Chapter 3: He is Incorruptible

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The Doomslayer was now driving the demons and Maria to Miami, where, after kissing Maria, Lucifer has told them was where Asmodius, Sin of Lust was residing. Maria turns to the Doomslayer and asks him something:

"Do you have a driver's license?"

Doomslayer sighs and pulls out his card.

Doomslayer sighs and pulls out his card

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Maria giggles.

"You look adorable!"


He puts it away and they continue driving. Suddenly, the Doomslayer turns the car in to a quiet street with no other cars.

"VEGA, open a portal to Miami please."

"Right away sir."

The swirling blue portal turns on, and they drive through it. They come out on the other side on the outskirts of Miami.

"Alright, we're here. Where do we go?"

"Where would a lust demon most likely go?"



They were now at the beach. The girls had gone ahead to see if they could find Asmodeus. William soon finished and stares. He then notices his hair. The effects of the Divinity Machine has turned his hair blonde, but he was noticing that his hair was now slowly returning to its original dark brown. Maybe because of this long time of relaxation.

"Well now if I say Maria's my kid, people won't be as doubtful."

        He sighs and ruffles Daisy's fur. He then leaves the changing room and walks to where he senses the Demons, but now he senses another demon signature. He increases his pace, and taps Maria's shoulder. She turns and turns red when she sees him without his shirt. Lucifer also dons a light blush, as well as Leviathan. The pink haired woman could only be Asmodeus, and she is staring at him with the most horny face one could imagine.

"My face is up here you four."

Maria buries her face in her hands, her ears practically shooting out steam. Lucifer shakes her head, before donning a more serious expression. She turns to Asmodeus.

"As you can see, I have this man known as the Doomslayer in my side."

"Oh?~ And what's your name, cutie?"


"Well William~ How about you an I go off and have some fun."

"Nah. I may be 1204 pounds muscles, testosterone and unadulterated anger, but I know that I shouldn't go wandering off with some random bimbo."

Asmodeus raises her eyebrows.

"Very well. I will see you later. Hope you accept my challenge."

"What challenge?"

"You'll see."


Vega/Doomslayer: EXCUSE ME WHAT THE FUCK?!

       Wanna know why? We were in a strip club. Asmodeus had challenges Lucifer to a pole dancing contest. I have half the urge to shoot yo the neutre place, but slow reassurance we'd burn the place later from Vega allowed me to calm down. Maria was latching onto me. She was dressed rather nicely, as were the other two. Me? I had the Praetor suit disguised as a nice green tuxedo, but I couldn't find a disguise for the helmet, so I chose the next best thing.

 Me? I had the Praetor suit disguised as a nice green tuxedo, but I couldn't find a disguise for the helmet, so I chose the next best thing

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Bunny ear. It's the ultimate intimidation tactic. Trust me. Anyways, Maria is gently snuggling with Daisy, as Asmodeus and Leviathan pole dance. Leviathan is ultimately outdone. I sigh. I gently pat Maria on the head and glare at Lucifer.

"You do what you need to do, just don't corrupt her."

Lucifer gulps and nods. I head outside, and quietly step aside into an alley. VEGA opens a portal to the Fortress of Doom.

"Welcome back, Slayer."

"Hayden. Or should I call you Samur, as you claim to be?"

"Hayden will be fine. But I have a gift for you. Go to where you got your ballista."

I walk down the steps and see a new weapon in the ballista port. I approach and my eyes widen when I recognize it.

 I approach and my eyes widen when I recognize it

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"Is... is it... the Gauss Cannon?!"

"Indeed. I thought you missed the old thing, so I reconstructed it. Have fun. And say hello to my... "cousins" will you?"

"You bet you're LED head I will."

I send the baby into my pocket dimension, and I open a portal to head back.

"Oh, and Slayer."


"The Unmakyr is almost ready. Just insert the keys when the time is right."

      I grin and nod, before heading back through the portal. What shit did Lucifer out Maria through while I was gone?

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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