part one

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Hearth pov

Hearth woke up cold and weak. He rolled over to poke Biltz only to remember that Blitz was on a mission with TJ, Mallory, and Sam. He stumbled over to the door. He made it to Alex’s room. Hearth didn’t bother knocking, He opened the door and signed ‘Alex, Magnus help me.’ before he collapsed into a heap on the ground. 
    “Hearth!” Alex exclaimed as she jumped up from the floor where she had been sculpting. She scooped up the pale elf and raced to her boyfriend’s room. Alex barged straight into Magnus’s room. Laying Hearth on the sofa she raced into Magnus’s bedroom. 
   “Uh, Alex! I mean I know your my, um,” she could tell he was struggling to find her pronouns. 
    “Girlfriend and it’s not like I haven’t seen you half-naked before,” she said. 
     Magnus blushed, Alex smirked. 
    “Hearth is sick or something!” She said remembering why she was here.
   “He came into my room, signed Magnus help and collapsed.” Magnus leapt out of bed and rushed to Hearth. 
    “Hearth what’s wrong? Hearth buddy talk to me!”

Hearths Poison 《completed》Where stories live. Discover now