Chapter 3: A Strange Vision

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"Chibi..." A young man's voice called out from the darkness, " your eyes"

Chibi did as the voice commanded. Chibi looked around as he slowly sat up. He was not in his bed; he was on the surface of a body of water that reflected the night sky. "Chibi" the voice called out again, "Chibi what do you see?" Chibi scanned his surroundings. The tranquil water seemed endless and only the stars and the blue moon illuminated the darkness around him. "Chibi" the voice sounded farther away this time. He got up and took a step forward, only the bottom of his bare feet getting wet with the warm water. "Chibi...what do you see?" As Chibi followed the voice, it became louder and clearer. Finally, after a few minutes, Chibi finally found the source of the voice; a lone figure with his back turned. Chibi noticed that the figure had a hat on his head that ended in a tuft of gobball wool on the end of it. 

"Y-Yugo...?" Chibi asked cautiously. The figure turned around, but the hat obscured most of the man's face. His hair was the color of the sea in the moon's brilliant blue light, and his dark skin was highlighted by its luminescence. His hat covered his eyes and his hat was pitch black. Chibi could not see the man's eyes. "What is it that you see Chibi?" the man said quietly. Chibi took another glance at his surroundings before opening his mouth to answer. "All I can see are the stars" he replied. The man shook his head. "Look harder" he said, pointing to the water that they stood on. Chibi looked down and stared for several moments. As he did, the reflection of the moon began to ripple and distort. Chibi watched as the brilliant blue disc, as well as the stars around it, contorted and shaped into images. 

He saw the world of twelve as it was, a group of islands teeming with life. However, a dark cloud came and began to move across the world and everything it passed was reduced to fire and ashes. Even Brakmar, an island with lava flowing through it, was completely destroyed when the cloud passed. Chibi looked at the man. "What is this?" he asked. He got no reply, so he looked back down. This time the cloud had gone over most of Amakna and made its up to Emelka. Images flashed of lightning striking buildings and crops being set ablaze. Men, women, and children dying in agony as the rain melted them. Alibert, his adoptive father was powerless to do anything or save anyone as he too perished in this storm. Chibi felt hot tears running down the sides of his face, but he could not look away. The clouds moved swiftly to the Sadida Kingdom. Once again, lightning struck and lit the villages and the Sadida Palace on fire. Screams of panic, cries of despair, Chibi heard them all. The rain melted everything in sight. The wind tore houses out of the ground. The Sadidas had no place to seek shelter. Chibi felt the cold embrace of death as the purple fires reached the tree of life. He felt Amalia, his sister in law, and Yuna, his niece, perish slowly and painfully. Following that, Percedal, Elely, Eva, Flopin, and Percy were trapped in their home and suffocated in the noxious smoke. "

Why..." Chibi asked shakily as he fell to his knees. The water rippled and revealed the clouds covering the city of Bonta. The Gobbowl field was lit ablaze and exploded. The entire population of the city was reduced to ashes. All of the buildings were burned down and the walls were melted. Chibi could feel their pain, like his own skin had been set on fire and burned slowly without reprieve. The storm closed in on Mount Zinit, where Chibi watched helplessly as Yugo melted to nothing with an agonizing scream and his brother Adamai, struck down by lightning. Demons arose from the oceans and murdered everyone else with blasts of purple energy. Grougal tried to fight back but was surrounded by the demons and was set ablaze. The Eliatrope children, just starting to get their lives back fell into despair and gave up all hope as the demons consumed them. He felt his heart shatter as the sky was painted red with the blood of his people. ", no, no, no!" Chibi yelled, "Why are you showing this to me!?" The figure remained silent and Chibi's anger burned. He got up and grabbed the young man and looked into his face. He still could not see his eyes. "Who are you!?" he demanded. "I am..." the man replied, "a god of war" Chibi tightened his grip on his arms, "Then why are you dressed like an Eliatrope!?"

"I merely took on the form that you are most familiar with Chibi" he said. "The reason that I appear before you now because the World of Twelve is on the precipice of a great war. The reason you can see me is because you are still the Prophet-king" Chibi blinked and lessened his grip a little. "T-the prophet...what?" "As a prophet of the Goddess Eliatrope, you have the ability to commune with deities such as myself, and foresee events of the future" Chibi let go and fell back onto his bottom. "What are you talking about!?" he said grabbing his head, "You're not making any sense!" "The time is near," the god continued, "War is immenent. You must act now, before all of the events that you have foreseen take place" "I..I..." Chibi stammered before suddenly realizing something. "Wait a second, If you're a god of war then why are you warning me about this? Shouldn't you want this to happen so that you can gain praise, worship and offerings?" The god looked up towards the moon and Chibi noticed that his long hair was different and yet oddly familiar. "Normally you would be correct" he sighed, "However, I have no interest in this war. It holds no honor, and a war without honor, is just an excuse to murder and shed meaningless blood." The god turned and began to walk away. "Wait!" Chibi called after him while getting to his feet, "Where are you going?" There was no reply. "How long do I have before these things happen? What does this all mean? What is it that I'm supposed to do!?" Again, he was answered in silence. Chibi gritted his teeth before yelling at the top of his lungs, "WHO. ARE. YOU!?" The god finally stopped and turned slightly. "I am a god of war" he simply replied and began to walk again. Chibi ran after him a couple of paces before his foot got stuck. "Wha-?" he cried as the water that reflected the night sky slowly began to consume him. He called back to the god, "I meant what is your name!?" Chibi sank down to his waist. " name" the god replied. Chibi felt himself being pulled down quicker. "My name is—" Water rushed over Chibi's head and with a desperate gasp, Chibi shot up and inhaled deeply. Panting, he felt the familiar softness of his own bed and quickly looked around. He was in his bed safe, sound, and dry. As sunlight began to peer through his window and illuminate the inside of his room, Chibi pondered the supposed god that he had just met.

My name is... Xentari...

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