Chapter 7: Shoving off

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Chibi meditated in the middle of a large room with a waterfall of azure water on the far wall that pooled down and around the spot where he was. The octagonal room had a column in every corner and was illuminated by the sun shining through stained glass and plants imbued with wakfu. Each column held up 1 out of the 7 Eliatrope Dofus and the final column held the Eliacube, an ancient Eliatrope artifact said to grant its user god-like powers.

Yugo sat across from him and outstretched his hands toward Chibi. Grougal and Adamai both watched from the entrance to the room as their brothers meditated.

"Are you ready for this Chibi?" Yugo asked.

"Why are we using the dofus and the eliacube again?" Chibi replied.

"We're not using the dofus AND the eliacube," Yugo said reassuringly, "Trust me, there's a million and one particular madman of a reason as to why we're never going to use them at the same time ever. No, we're only going to use Mina and Phaeris' dofus. Now focus and reach out with your wakfu"

Chibi did as he was told and he visualized the light brownish yellow egg in his mind. The ochre column lit up and released the dofus out of the top. The dofus floated down and positioned itself between Yugo and Chibi and began to emanate light.

"Alright," Yugo said, keeping his eyes closed, "Now, help me find my wife and kids"

The two eliatropes began to radiate a light blue aura around them. Through his closed eyes, chibi could see the brilliant blue energy radiating from Yugo, and see the energy from his brothers standing by the entrance. Behind him, he could see Nora and her dragon-twin Efrim playing on the southern beach of the island with the other Eliatrope and Sadida children. He could even see Elely and Flopin packing their things.

"Focus Chibi" Yugo gently reminded him, "I know its tempting to watch the whole world, but this kind of stuff has a time limit"

Chibi could feel his arms getting tired. He focused on Amalia, Yuna, and Alibert and his vision fast forwarded to a place filled with lots of people.

Amalia and Yuna were there but where was Alibert?

"Y-Yugo..." Chibi said struggling.

"I know...hang in there little brother, We need to find Bert! He can't be far"

Chibi couldn't hold out any longer and the wakfu sparked at him and Chibi's vision went black.

"I'm...sorry..." he said panting and sweating.

"Don't worry about it" Yugo said, putting his hand on Chibi's shoulder. "You did your best and that's all I'll ever ask for"

Yugo slowly stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I sensed Maude and Cleome's Wakfu with Amalia's, and judging by the amount of people in that area, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they're in Bonta. It IS the playoff season after all so that makes sense"

Chibi got on his feet and began to wobble for a bit. "H-how are you able to stand up so fast after that?"

"Years of practice my dear Chibi" Yugo grinned as he helped his brother to stay on his feet, "Take a couple minutes to recuperate" He turned to Grougal, "Grougal, can you do me a favor and tell Flopin and Elely that you four are going to meet at the pier?"

"What? How come you can't tell them yourself?" Grougal snorted, " You have portals!"

"Well..." Yugo laughed nervously, "It seems that I'm actually feeling dizzy after handling the dofus and might need a minute or two to get myself together"

"All that tough talk about 'years of practice' and you can barely stand yourself" Chibi muttered under his breath.

Grougal face palmed and turned towards the door. "Fine, but it's not like we need those two. They're only going to slow us down"

"Thanks bro!" Yugo shouted after him, "They're in the guest quarters on the upper slope!"

Grougal waved his hand half-heartedly before the doors shut behind him. "Ad," Yugo turned to his other dragon brother, "The ship they need to get to Bonta in a short period of time is just off the eastern side of the Island. You know her well already. Can you get her here?"

Adamai nodded and he too hastily left.

Within 20 minutes, the group had all gathered at the docks with Yugo, Adamai, Evangelene, Percy and Percedal. As they waited, Yugo quickly went over the mission once more before a large ship finally came and pulled into the pier. The boat was painted black with a large red stripe running along the side of it. Its sails had a kralove skull and crossbones pattern on them.

"Ahoy there landlubbers!" A woman shouted from the ship, before jumping out to greet them personally. She was tall, tan, had black hair, and gem-like orange eyes, Her captain's hat was as black as her overcoat and was decorated with a large red, blue, and green feather plumage.

"Hey Elaine!" Yugo greeted her with a firm handshake, "Thank you so much for coming on short notice"

Elaine grinned, "I'm surprised you knew how to find me on this vast ocean"

Yugo smiled nervously again, "It's just that, we always see your ship sailing by and always wonder why you never stop and say hello. So I figured, first time for everything!"

Elaine's face got red before she quickly spun on her heels and took a few paces towards her ship.

"Anyways, your brother already told me what was up, so lets get to it! All aboard!"

"You two be careful alright?" Eva said giving Flopin and Elely a hug.

"We will mama" Flopin said.

"Yeah we got this!" Elely exclaimed.

Percedal pulled all of them into a group hug with his arm. "Remember everything we taught you" he said. The twins opened their mouths to respond, but...

"For the love of Eliatrope, let's go!" Grougal interrupted by shout from the ship.

"Be nice," Chibi warned playfully, "Let's not forget that when Yugo took us from Alibert, you cried like a baby. Grougal blushed and looked away.

Elely and Flopin finally made it on to the ship and Elaine had her crew raise the anchor and within a few moments they were heading for Bonta at full speed. 

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