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The Glossary

- the definitions

The words that are now defined

elementals — The four different beings, each with their own power.

waterlenes — One of the four elemental beings, able to control water and destined to use their ability to control water to prevent it from falling off the Ends. A ceremony is required to get their powers.

trelians — One of the four elemental beings. They are part of the earth and are able to shapeshift, and are non-gender specific. They are born as a normal baby but naturally receive their powers around their fourteenth bornday. They are meant to protect the earth.

firlons — One of the four elemental beings, and they are meant to bring warmth and other duties including fire, but no one knows much about them as they are often violent. 50% made out of heat.

skyn — The wind elemental being, made to manage the winds. They are usually the busiest of the four, almost always becoming Messengers, Importers, or Suppliers. They can fly, control wind, and are almost never seen unless wanted.

Ends — The ends of the Earth, as their world is flat. Nobody but the waterlenes have ever been close to the Ends.

star-cit — A place, like a country (but slightly smaller), where the elementals live.

mai — A place, like a continent, where there are two to five star-cits in each one. It has invisible borders that may have two completely different environments right next to each other.

Star People — A mix of the elemental's ancestors and gods, believed to live in the sky.

bornday — A birthday.

Messengers — The elementals who bring messages to different star-cits, typically skyn.

Importers — Elementals who bring supplies to different star-cits.

Suppliers — Elementals who get food from the Star People to be purchased by desolate but wealthy star-cits.

medicine keepers — Elementals chosen by the Star People to care for families rich enough to purchase one. They can speak with the Star People, and use it to speak prophecies or warn others. They are supplied with medicine. Some go out on the streets to be available to lower classes.

Heart Fire — One of the many magical wonders of Darlian. It is a forever burning fire that has an abnormal amount of heat, typically very large.

kabn — A place where star-bitts go, like a bank, where elementals exchange something for a certain amount.

star-bitts — The currency in almost the whole earth, except for a few scavenger settlements. These fall from the sky whenever there isn't enough for the world, and are collected by Importers and sent to a kabn. These are in tewaelen, kyns, rinfo, and in alternai, from lowest to highest (10 tewaelen = 1 kyns, 10 rinfo = 1 alternai). They are rumored to be made of star fragments, and such their name.

boaters — Elementals who catch fish, and occasionally other animals. Low-class job.

skillets — The ones who gut the fish, and occasionally other animals. Low-class job.

star floor — An expensive flooring made from miniscule star fragments and are said to get a blessing from the Star People.

St-ar — The first and most powerful god on the Earth, said to have made everything.

roeyaels — The rich people of most star-cits, not to be confused with royals, who are people related to /are kings and queens. A long time ago, a self-centered rich man named Bear Clement wanted to be a royal, but after being declined by the queen of the kingdom, started calling himself a roeyael instead. The buffoon was quite admired for his financial situation, and everyone with at least one hundred alternai in their pocket at all times did the same.

driys — A slang used to insult waterlenes; the opposite of wet, or water.

animal talkers — Trelians who can communicate with animals without having to shapeshift.

tee, tem, ters, tems, temself — Addressing a trelian without a gender (she/he = tee; her/him = tem; hers/his = ters; her/his = tems; himself/herself = temself).

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