Chapter 1

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Even the glow of the midday sun couldn't change the eerie atmosphere of the forest that loomed over a boy's figure.

The boy in question was trying to not close his emerald coloured eyes and turn around from the strange feeling he was being watched.

"Okay Daniel, you can do this. You're sixteen, not a child. You can't just leave, it would be a huge waste of a week." Daniel muttered to himself, his hands clutching the straps of his bag to keep them from attempting to pull out the hazel locks on his head.

Daniel took a deep breath to calm his racing heart, "No time like the present." With those words he took the first step towards his goal.

Until his body froze, keeping him from going any further. Daniel felt himself get lurched into the air by an unseen force.

Magic wasn't uncommon, In fact unless you were human magic was a guarantee. Daniel, unfortunately, did not inherit his father's genes much and was like his mother.

The magic that kept him from the ground was strong, even Daniel knew that. It didn't feel like a normal Red or White eye, though some were stronger than others this was different.

Daniel knew he was in danger he began struggling with the forces grasp, trying to find any way to escape.

"Please, please come out. I'm just a human!" Daniel was frantically pleading for his life, fully believing that today might be the last in his life.

"Alright." A feminine voice replied to his cries. The magic slowly lowered him but was not letting go just yet.

"Sh-show yourself!" Daniel yelled trying to regain his confidence.

Daniel heard a rustle and looked at the point where it came from as a girl that looked his age stepped out of trees, she had wavy raven black hair that fell just past her lower back and covered her right eye. She had a look that could kill.

Daniel almost immediately noticed that her uncovered eye was that of a White eye, snow coloured iris and a deep black pupil. Most White and Red eyes lived in the capital and though seeing them in other places isn't uncommon, Daniel notes that one this far out is a bit strange but brushes it off for now.

He attempted to move again but the girl wasn't going to ease up anytime soon.

"Why are you here?" She sounded irritated by Daniel's very existence but at least she was giving him a chance, right?

"I'm just following a story that supposedly took place in the town on the other side, the only way is through the forest," Daniel explained, feeling the magic's tight grasp slip away.

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, "My name is Daniel, and you are?"

"Iris, nice to meet you Daniel." The girl, Iris, sighed.

Daniel tried to think of something to say but he couldn't, his head was spinning unable to fully comprehend what just happened.

"So you're going to the town, Stonebriar, right?" Daniel nodded. "Well, good luck." Iris turned to go.

"WAIT!" Daniel shouted.

Iris turned to the boy she had met less than five minutes ago, slightly annoyed but more so intrigued.

"What, Daniel?" She asked.

"Could you, maybe, help me get there? I've heard stories of people who have gone in and never come back out, and you seem like you know your way around this place..." Daniel reasoned trying not to seem overly nervous about the journey ahead.

"Give me one good reason I should, after all I've seen other travellers try to go through here and fail. What makes you so special?" Iris quizzed, though she was partly lying. Yes she had watched other travellers attempt passing the forest and die, but she had offered guidance to them which was turned down.

"Nothing..." Daniel looked down. "I'm sure that there is no difference between them and me."

"You asked for my help," Iris stated.

Daniel looked up with a confused face at her words.

"Everyone else was offered guidance but you asked. That's how you're different." Iris calmly explained.

"I asked?" Daniel quirked his head to the side.

"Yup," Iris confirmed. "Now let's get going shall we? It's not going to be daylight forever." Iris said with a playful smirk.

Daniel gave a bright smile in return, running up to her. "Right! Let's go."

The two walked into the wall of trees and brush, both understanding that this was only the beginning of something extraordinary.

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