Chapter 3

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The light hit Daniel's eyes making him wince as he awoke.

He groaned and sat up, he never really did enjoy mornings, or getting up, or being early-
Daniel was snapped from his train of thought by a voice speaking up.

"You're awake? Good." Iris's question was met with a groggy nod from the boy next to her.

"We should get going soon to make the most of the daylight." Daniel again nodded and began packing up his supplies.

"Did you *yawn* really stay up all night?" Daniel inquired.

"Well yes, did you expect me to sleep and risk getting us killed?" Iris asked, visibly confused by the question.

"Nah, just kinda surprised is all, " Daniel replied. "You don't even seem tired."

Reattaching the sleeping bag to his bag, Daniel gave a bright smile and a thumbs up to Iris indicating he was ready to go.

"Oh! I have a fun little 'get to know each other' game we can play!" Daniel exclaimed as they started to walk.

"This guy..." Iris thought before replying. "What is it?"

"We take turns asking each other questions! Though if there's one you don't want to answer that's ok." Daniel explained enthusiastically.

"Alright, let's play." Iris said.

"I'll start with a simple one, Iris what is your favourite colour?" Daniel asked.

"I like purple but I can't say I really have a favourite." Iris said before continuing. "Daniel, what's your favourite food?"

"Hmm, " Daniel stopped to think. "Probably pancakes." He replied. "Iris, what's it like to have magic?"

Iris looked at him before answering. "It's like, your heartbeat." She paused. "You can feel it, it's always there and you know that without it you wouldn't be the same." Iris said wistfully.

"Woah..." Daniel had stars in his eyes, it was such a meaningful answer to such a simple question.

"Anyways, Daniel, what story could you be following that would lead you to Stonebriar?" Iris quizzed.

"Oh that? It's called 'The Half That Lived'." Daniel explained.

He looked at Iris ready to ask his next question but was taken aback by the look of shock on his companion's face. Daniel quickly changed his question. "Why?"

Iris looked away from him before giving a response. "I was just curious, " She started. "What's the story about?"

Daniel was stunned but not deterred. "It's about a Half that lived in Stonebriar nine years ago who survived for years after killing his parents. One night while he was trying to rob a house he got caught by the man who lived there, who kept him locked up until morning. The Half was tried by the people of Stonebriar and sentenced to banishment into the forest surrounding the town, and they've never been seen since." Daniel made wild gestures while retelling the tale he was so curious about.
There was a beat of silence.

"It's wrong."

Iris's voice cut through the quiet as if it were a knife.

"Wh- What do you mean?" Daniel asked party amused and partly confused.

"Your story? It's got a lot of false information in it." Iris said as though it were common knowledge.

"Such as...?" Daniel prompted.

"Well for one the Half did not kill their parents, nor were they a boy." Iris explained.

"If they didn't then, how'd they survive so long?" Daniel's curiosity was blooming with inquiries after that short sentence.

"They survived because their parents loved them and didn't believe the whole 'Every Half is a demon' schtick." Iris stated.

The two continued to discuss the errors in the tale as they travelled through the forest, stopping briefly for lunch in the middle.

"So if I'm getting this right, the Half was actually a girl with really loving parents and hadn't done anything bad before exile?" Daniel asked, reviewing the conversation that preceded it.

"Yeah." Iris confirmed.

"Wow, " Daniel was amazed. "How do you know all of this? Were you close to them?"

"You could say we were close..." Iris said with a smirk. "It's getting dark we should set up camp."

"Huh? Oh- Yeah, ok!" Daniel frantically nodded his head and getting his supplies out.
"I can't believe we almost act like we're old friends." Daniel thought with a smile.

After setting up and eating Daniel found a nearby log to seat himself for his watch shift.

"' Night Iris." He said looking over at the sleeping bag.

"Goodnight Daniel." Iris replied before drifting off.

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