Under base arrest

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Wash awoke with a jolt putting his hands to his head as a migraine came on

Wash: Kimball you there ow Kim: oh your awake and I still can't believe the results it really is you Wash: oh god why do I have a migraine the size of Belgium Kim: right well after you walked in here they knocked you out with the labs new energy pulse which sends energy right through your brain basically it's an EMP for the brain but doesn't kill the pain should eventually go away Wash: I don't know if I'm feeling my headache or someone else's or both Kim: how could you feel someone else's Wash: my mind is connected to someone else it's worse then being hit with a freight train Kim: you probably got hit four times then if what you say is true Wash: anyway where are my friends Kim: well Ava is on her rounds while sim- Wash: no the people I came here with Kim: oh those ones well there in the brig being watched by Simmons

Wash gets off the bed before stumbling a little

Wash: can I see them Kim: sorry but your in bed until the generals speak with you Wash: so bring them here I need to speak with them anyway Kim: well there both busy with this war right now so you will need to wait Wash: (annoyed) How long Kim: (worried) um I don't know it can sometimes take a while a day Wash: (angry) it can't wait that long what we did getting out might have disrupted a lot more as some of the people I came here with did a lot of things to help me out by destroying what lives they had

Kimball ran out leaving Wash to his thoughts or so she thought

Leo: that was quite different of you Wash: it was Hil: sir why are you being like this Wash: you know how I got my memories back I lost more faith in humanity to make the wrong decisions in what's best as most of the pockets of resistances beside this one gave in within the first few months of this war it's slowly feeling that I'll be forced to use the orbs to destroy this universe just like I've seen Leo: what do you mean by that Wash: I've seen flashes of me on a hill before lifting the sword and killing all life I still remember the pain and I'm scared of what it could mean Leo: I remember how you changed destiny before by surviving the exploding ship Wash: ya that wasn't entirely me but look where that got me Hil: sir I'm going to speak a bit out of line for the way I am but I know what you can do and you've already shown that your more stronger even without our power Wash: thanks

Wash sits for a while before a door opens

Wash: oh I was expecting Simmons as he's a general Ava: he's not the only general around here Wash: wait you're a general that's amazing Ava: ya well a lot happens when your not here Wash: I know so there hasn't been- Ava: oh definitely not there to scared that I can one up them Wash: that sounds like you... look I'm wondering Ava: no I may be second in charge but Simmons can only be the one to call that anyway would you mind telling how the hell you can trust three Stex and bring them into the base Wash: those three have saved my life one you already seen I trust them for almost five years we protected each other and saved me from being killed multiple time Ava: ya as he was the one to have to kill you Wash: so you were watching Ava: if they were so good why not tell us about them Wash: would it have made much of a difference for their image not all of them want to chop your head off and eat it for dinner Ava: look they are all evil that the end of this conversation... I need to be somewhere else so if you'll excuse me you have to stay here until Simmons get's here and talks with you got it Wash: ya I got it pretty fine thank you

Ava left to do her job

Wash: dodn't know what just happened but that felt worse than the migraine

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