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He came often. Well, as often as his schedule would allow. Sometimes, when he was away working, he would text her goodnight when he knew her shift was over, or a picture of a cat, or whatever book he was reading. He would text her quotes at all odd times of the morning. When he did come home, he would always stop by the bookstore. Some nights, he would stay the entirety of her shift, then walk her to her car. Other nights, he would walk in looking so exhausted that she would forbid him from staying. Nope. No, no, no. She would say, shooing him back out the door. Absolutely not. You look like death.

Gee, thanks. He would say between yawns. I'm not that tired I swear! He would protest.

Yes, you are. Now go home.

Goodnight, Billie.

Goodnight, Aaron.

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