Livin' It Up As A Loser

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It's been a while since you've been eliminated from the show. It's been pretty great not having to do those awful challenges, but you can't truly enjoy this since you don't have Lindsay by your side. On the plus side, you have been able to watch what's going on one of the many TV's the mansion has to offer. Once a week, you now all meet up in a screening room to watch the next episode of TDI. Once the Canofire Ceremony begins, you all wait outside to see who becomes a Loser. It's more of a suprise that way.

You have become the unofficial leader of the group. Mostly everyone goes along with what you say and always go to you for guidance. Except for Eva and Noah. Eva doesn't want to belong or answer to anyone, and Noah, the smartass, just thinks that he's the smartest, therefore, the most powerful. The next person to be eliminated was Beth. When she arrives, you're the first one to hug her. She tells you how everyone misses you. Especially Lindsay. As each night goes by, you miss Lindsay more and more. How she would kiss you every chance she got, how her smile would get you through each challenge, and how good it would feel just to be in her arms. One night, Chef comes by to tell Katie that Sadie's been eliminated. She asks how does he already know and he replies with that fact that they get the votes earlier than they start the Campfire Ceremonies.

Katie joins Chef on the Boat of Losers and a few minutes later, both Katie and Sadie return to Casa de Loser, making that noise that everyone hated. "Glad to be rid of both of ya, you dumb bitches!" Chef laughs as he quickly drives off. More people become losers including Courtney and Harold, who seem to be at war with each other. You ask why she is mad at him and she tells you that he rigged the votes so that she got kicked off. Another day arrives and Chef calls all of you out front. "Seems here that Chris is allowing one of you to come back onto the show" he announces. "I thought we weren't allowed to come back" Cody says. "Yeah...about that...we lied" Chef simply responds. "So, who wants to go back?" Before you could even open your mouth, Eva yells out that she wants to go more than anyone.

"What do you have back there that you want so badly?" you ask angrily. Eva gets in your face. "Vengance against that bitch, Heather, that's what! Either get outta my way, or get hurt!" Eva is stronger than you, so you let it go, but you're not happy about it. Eva leaves on the Boat of Losers back to the island. "So long, suckers!!" she laughs as the boat steers away from sight. Later that night, she comes back in a straitjacket. Lemme outta here!!!" she screams at Chef who simply drops her off on the dock. "Well, well, well, look who got fucked up by karma" Noah says clapping slowly. "Shut up, smartass, and gimme outta this thing!" Eva snaps. You all look at each other and walk away not wanting to let her lose. Eva screams as you all go inside. It's about one in the morning.

Everyone is asleep, except you. You walk out onto the dock and see Eva on the ground, fast asleep. You get her out of the straitjacket, which wakes her up. "Y/N? You...pfft! Bout' time." She pushes you out of the way and walks inside. "Your welcome" you tell her as she opens the door. She pauses for a second and soon walks inside. Trent, who you and Beth are glad to see again is soon voted off. Bridgette, who really stinks after the challenge she was just in, sadly walks in the mansion to take a long shower once she arrives. The next episode is about to come on. Everyone gets in the screening room and watches the screen come up to see Chris.

You, Trent, and Beth run outside as everyone can't stop talking about how Lindsay finally told Heather what she needed to hear. You wait on the docks hoping that Chef will hurry up. You soon hear the boat's horn as it arrives with Lindsay. She gets more and more happy as she sees her friends' faces. She tears up when she soon sees yours. She gets off with her stuff, leaves it on the dock, and runs towards you.

She immediately kisses you on the lips with a streak of tears running down her face. You hug each other tightly not ever wanting to let go. "I missed you so much!!!" You tell her that you missed her too and that you're glad to have her back. She then goes over to Trent and Beth who hug her as well. "Man, if I knew this place was here earlier, I would've tried to get kicked off on the first episode!" Lindsay says, looking around. You all walk to the back of the mansion where everyone is waiting to see Lindsay. Once everyone sees her with you, Trent, and Beth, they all cheer and tell Lindsay how awesome she was for telling Heather the truth.

You all have a massive party Lindsay's honor. Katie and Sadie are talking with Ezekiel, Eva is pumping iron, Bridgette is talking with Courtney, who is also looking for Harold, and you and Lindsay are chilling together in the jacuzzi. Everything seems perfect. No reality show, no challenges, no drama, just you, your friends, a nice place to chill, and Lindsay by your side once again.

I Wanna Be Famous: A TDI X Male Reader Series (+18) Book 4: LindsayWhere stories live. Discover now