Chapter 6: The First Separation

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***This is my first novel so comments and critiques are welcome (as long as they are civilized). Of course, a simple 'star' does the job too :3. 

In the following week, Yibo enjoyed his hospitalization like a vacation home. Amongst all of the daily visitors, Yibo was only eager to see one individual twice a day. With each check-up, their interactions had slowly strayed away from Yibo's health and became casual conversations.

Through these moments, Yibo obtained fragments of Xiao Zhan's childhood life without his parents and his connection with the Jiangs. Perhaps Xiao Zhan accidentally exposed himself or maybe a part of him was comfortable enough to uncover a little of himself. Yibo never inquired too much since he felt that it was a sensitive subject. Instead, he would inquire about Xiao Zhan's day: What did you eat for lunch, did any patients give you a hard time, has my fans caused the hospital any problems, and so on.

In turn, Xiao Zhan learned about how Yibo became a celebrity and what his various experiences were like: to perform on stage, attending variety shows, and even acting. Yibo preferred athletic variety shows, one of them even introduced him to motorcycle racing. From this conversation, the two men learned that Xiao Zhan was interested in snowboarding after attending a school outing years ago. Since Yibo's show, Celebrity Olympic 101, did focus on this sport a while back, he volunteered to take Xiao Zhan when they were both free. Xiao Zhan, of course, didn't take Yibo's words seriously since 1) they weren't that close 2) with Yibo's status, there was no way that he would have spare time for this person that he barely knew for a week.

During this period, Xiao Zhan also met the rest of Yibo's family if they visited him during these scheduled check-up times. To his and Yibo's surprise, Yibo's nephews were classmates with Xiao Zhan's nephew. What a small world, they both thought.

On a particular day when Ji Li, Hai Kuan, and Zan Jin were present, these three pairs of ears heard "Zhan-ge" when Yibo greeted Xiao Zhan. In order to understand the significance of this, people need to know that outside of work, less than five people obtained the privilege to be addressed in such a manner by Yibo. Even Ji Li, who has spent more time with Yibo than his family in recent years, hasn't earned that right.

Normally these men would leave the room to give Yibo and Xiao Zhan some privacy for the examination, but who would walk away from this development! The three men shamelessly sat on the sideline, perking their ears like fanboys for any gossiping materials.


Time quickly passed and Yibo's last day was arriving soon. The afternoon before his discharge, Zhuo Cheng returned from his business trip. Zhuo Cheng decided to visit Yibo with Xiao Zhan since Yibo was technically his patient.

"Yibo, sorry I wasn't present to take care of you."

"It couldn't be helped, you were on a business trip. Besides, Zhan-ge did a great job." Yibo smiled at Xiao Zhan when referring to him.

Zhuo Cheng had the same reaction as the prior three men and had to conceal his curiosity since this was a formal setting. While Xiao Zhan carried out his regular check-ups, Zhuo Cheng couldn't help but noticed how friendly Yibo was towards Xiao Zhan. It's not that Zhuo Cheng was feeling jealous, but he was Yibo's primary doctor for over a year yet he doesn't remember a single smile from this young man. What is this development?

Walking out of Yibo's room, Zhuo Cheng couldn't control his curiosity and asked Xiao Zhan, "What was that?"

Xiao Zhan who was walking in the front turned around and raised one eyebrow in confusion.

"That," Zhuo Cheng pointed at Yibo's room, "thing, smile..."

"Zhuo Cheng, speak human," Xiao Zhan interrupted his brother's gibberish.

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