Chapter 27: This Can't Happen Again

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Not again. Please, not again.

Xiao Zhan's grip on the wheel tightened with each burst of memories that danced in his mind. Why did Xiao Zhan have to encounter his loved ones getting injured from a car accident again? What did he do to even deserve the first trauma? How could another collision reoccur in this lifetime?

If Yibo... if he's... Xiao Zhan clenched his teeth, borderline biting his tongue. You can't leave me, damn it! Xiao Zhan slammed on the brakes.

He drifted into the garage and parked his vehicle like a new driver who disregarded the lines. Xiao Zhan slammed the door shut and ran towards the Emergency Department, without a care for how tussled he looked. He also didn't have the mind to remember that he and Yibo were still under the watchful eyes of the world.

Xiao Zhan headed to the nurse's station and inquired, "There was a car accident that should have arrived recently. It involved Wang Yibo. What room is he in?"

Startled by Xiao Zhan's sudden and frazzled appearance, the nurse was at a loss for words. She took a moment to register the man who was always so put-together and calm but now appeared like a resident on their first emergent case. She then remembered the rumors that have been circulating and gained insight into the current situation. Xiao Zhan had a special relationship with the patient, so it's expected for him to react this way.

"Trauma Bay C," Xiao Zhan had already marched away before the nurse could provide additional information.

"I thought Dr. Meng was on-call tonight," another nurse commented. They looked at each other and made a silent agreement to not speak of this mistake. Xiao Zhan wasn't the attending doctor, and the nurse had disclosed the patient's information inappropriately. Arguably, it wasn't completely her fault for not knowing who was on-call. Besides, even if she knew, what power did she have to not answer the higher-ups?

Speaking of the devil, Zoey appeared a minute later asking if the nurses had seen Dr. Xiao. The two replied in unison, "Trauma Bay C."

Xiao Zhan arrived at the trauma room without a patient insight. There was only the aftermath of urgent resuscitation and emergent procedures to stabilize the patient. Sometimes, the process was quick and clean; at others, it was a hectic blood bath. Xiao Zhan stared at a puddle of velvet near one bed and tried to convince himself that he was in the wrong room.

He took one step backward, wanting to run away from the possibilities. Instead, he crashed into a staff member. "T-the patient here," Xiao Zhan pointed towards the bloody battlefield, attempting to sound coherent.

"He's in the OR right now." Xiao Zhan took a sharp inhale. Being there was never a good thing. It meant that the injury was detrimental and needed surgical repair. "Got the most damage in the accident. I'll be amazed if he walks out with all his appendages."

Since Xiao Zhan's brain has stopped operating, he didn't verify with the staff about who she was referring to. Instead, his legs carried him towards the OR floor. Running with tunnel vision, he didn't notice that he ran past Zoey nor heard her yelling his name. Besides, unless the person told him that Yibo was actually at Xiao Zhan's apartment, rummaging through his refrigerator for midnight food like the brat he was; it didn't matter.

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