What's this feeling?

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*The next morning*

Ugggggh! I really don't want to get out of bed. But I think I overheard Elfman talking about a new job that got posted. Wait, I can see if Lucy wants to go with me! Perfect! Alright time to get up ya big lug.

Gray thought to himself as he tried to get out of bed half asleep still. He looked over at this alarm clock and it said 7:20AM. "Wow, so much for sleeping in today." He said aloud restless. Gray eventually got out of bed and quickly made some food and then got dressed and headed straight for the guild. As he headed out and started towards the guild he saw a familiar figure walking across the street ahead of him. Hmm who is that? I can't make out their face but their hair looks familiar. Is it Lisanna? Nah she left for a job 2 days ago. She couldn't possibly finish it this fast.
As he squinted a little he realized it was in fact Mirajane. "Good morning Mira!" Gray yelled. The girl turned around and from what it looked like she smiled sweetly and screamed back, "Good morning Gray! Want me to slow down so we can walk together?" Without hesitation Gray accepted the invitation and quickly ran to catch up to her.

*panting* "Thanks Mira for waiting for me. How have you been lately?" Mira quickly shot a quick gleaming smile at Gray and replied, "I'm doing really good actually. How about yourself? I saw you introduced yourself to Lucy." Ah! That's right she did witness all that from the bar she's been working lately. "Oh well I mean I'm not ganna lie I find her very attractive. It was embarrassing how we first met but I was able to get her phone number." He replies while scratching the back of his head. "I thought I saw a moment between you two." Mirajane teasingly replies as they finally reached the guild doors. Damn, Mirajane never skips a beat to be honest.

As they walked inside the guild, Gray was starting to blush and quickly looked down. Mirajane never seen the cool mage ever get flustered over a girl before. "I'm sorry Gray, I don't mean to tease you. I'm just joking. I hope you have a good day today." Mira replies as the two walked their separate ways in the guild. "Okay Mira! See ya!" Gray quickly responded.

When he got a little more inside, he scanned the room to see if Lucy has arrived yet. He saw Elfman, Laxus and Gajeel and even his ex, Juvia. The two dated briefly for about 2 1/2 years but he broke it off due to finding out she was sleeping with Leon behind his back. Tsk. I can't even look at her even though it's been 6 months after the break up. Oh well I'm going to go towards the job request board and pick something then text Lucy. As he got closer to inspect the board, Juvia decided to try to talk with Gray. "H-hi Gray." She said sheepishly. Without even looking at her direction he coldly responded, "Juvia I don't have time to talk alright? Just leave me be." After hearing that she got the message and quickly regretted trying to speak with him and walked back to her table to chat with Levy and Gajeel. Trying to focus again Gray found a perfect job that he could take Lucy to. It was a job that involved delivering some produce to another person in Fiore. "Great! I think this will do." He said excitedly. "What are you doing here Gray?" A familiar voice said behind Gray. Startled he turned around and to his surprise it's was Lucy standing there wearing a pink track suit. "Ah! Lucy you scared me half to death!" He said in shock. "Oh I'm so sorry Gray! I didn't mean to. I just walked in and noticed you over here." Lucy replied with a gleaming smile.

She's really pretty when she smiles. I really like it actually. I need to see her smile more. As he collected his thoughts he finally responded, "By the way perfect timing. I found a job and was wondering since you're new you can tag along and we do it together." A little surprised by the request Lucy once again gave him a big smile and nodded her head in agreement.

From across the hall Juvia was closely watching the exchange between the two and quickly understood what was going on with them. Hmm they seem to be getting a little too chummy. I bet he's using her as rebound. Well I can get to the bottom of this. While still watching the two talk, Juvia waited until Gray walked away to approach Lucy. When are they going to stop talking! Oh wait, Gray is finally leaving the blondie to go use the bathroom. Here's my chance. When Gray left Lucy, Juvia quickly approached Lucy and said, "Hi Lucy, how are you getting a long with the other members?" Lucy was taken back because she never interacted with anyone else except Gray and Natsu and Erza. "Oh, well I think fine I mean we haven't even met..." Lucy was trying to think of the blue haired beauty's name in front of her. "It's Juvia. By the way, I see you are getting pretty acquainted with Gray huh?" She coldly interrupted Lucy. Surprised Lucy was trying to understand what Juvia was trying to get to with her. "I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about. Gray is helping me get comfortable here." Lucy responded defensively. Before Juvia could even get another word in she heard a stern voice behind her say, "Juvia, leave Lucy alone." She turned around to see who it was and to her surprise it was Gray. "Oh Gray, don't be so mean! I'm just talking to the new girl." Juvia tried to playfully say. He saw right through her and said "Well she's not interested in talking with you...Right Lucy?" He made his way to stand in front of Lucy to protect her from Juvia. From behind Gray, Lucy meekly replies "Y-y-es." Seeing how protective he was being of Lucy, Juvia snickered at them and walked away from the pair without saying a word.

That was out of Juvia's character. But maybe she realized how I was being around Lucy. Ugh I hope this doesn't ruin anything between Lucy and I. Wait what am I thinking I haven't even asked her on a date yet. Well I can ask her later. Worried, Gray turned to Lucy and placed his hands on her shoulders and asked her, "Are you okay?" Shocked from what just happened Lucy was able to nod. Snapped out of it she was able to say, "Um can we talk outside for a minute?" Mesmerized by her big brown eyes he nods and then puts his hands down and followed Lucy outside.

The sun was shining bright and it felt good for a summer morning. "Okay, so who is Juvia?" Lucy asked confused. "Well she's a member of the guild as well." Gray responded. Not convinced about his answer Lucy pouted for a second and asked again, "No, I know that she's a member here. I meant who is she to you?" Perplexed about the question Gray got serious for a moment and was able to muster up the courage to give her an answer, "Look, not to be weird or anything but she's my ex girlfriend." Wide-eyed, Lucy asked, "Okay, but if she's your ex then why was she coming at me like that?" Not sure if it was too early to tell her but Gray responded, "She got jealous that I have been talking to you and hanging around you since you got here." Still wondering the blonde decided to press on, "Does she think there's something going on here? Because honestly I don't know you at all. We barely just met and I'm new so..." before she could even finish her sentence, Gray instinctively embraced her and softly responded, "Lucy, I know all of that. But I have something to confess to you. Since I first made eye contact with you yesterday I couldn't stop thinking about you. I know it sounds crazy but I would like it if we went on this job together to get more closer." Surprised by his embrace and even how she was feeling at that very moment she looked up at the handsome mage and said, "Oh Gray, I knew I wasn't imagining our connection. I would like to go with you. When do we leave?" "Let's go right now!" He eagerly responded. Right as the two were having their intimate moment together, they were interrupted by a certain hot head.

"Lucy! Gray! What are you guys doing out here?" Natsu yelled as he approached them. The two quickly let go of eachother and exchanged looks and Gray replied, "Natsu! Well Lucy and I were talking and we are leaving for a job right now see ya when we get back." Disappointed by what he heard, Natsu said, "Oh okay. I'll go see if Happy wants to go with me to the Grand Magic Games event. Bye guys." As he walked in the other direction. The two looked at eachother and giggled and Lucy said, "Oh! Let's go back to my apartment so I can pack." Happy by the idea of going to her apartment Gray replied, "Yeah let's go." Lucy grabbed Gray's hand and the pair held hands until they reached her apartment.

Her place is pretty cute actually. Very fitting for her. I hope I can make this official on this trip. Lost in thought Gray kept looking out the window waiting for Lucy to finish packing. "Gray, should I bring the white top or purple?" Lucy said showing him the shirts. "Bring them both. I think they will look really good on you." Gray teased jokingly. Excited she put the shirts in her bag. As he kept staring at her petite body bent over he kept thinking about how much he wanted to grab her booty. Not sure how she would react he decided that would be a terrible idea. But since she was busy he waited for her to stop moving around so frantically so he could try to make a move on her.

As Lucy finally finished up he saw his opportunity. He got up quietly and tiptoed closer to her and when she heard his footsteps she quickly turned around and he looked deeply into her eyes as he lifted his hand to caress her cheek. Blushing she tried to look away but he gently moved her face towards him again and muttered softly, "Lucy, I'm sorry but I can't hold back my feeling anymore. I really want you right now." Instinctively, Lucy actually made the first move on him and kissed him. Shocked, he enjoyed her soft lips on his and kissed her back. In that moment the two started to deepen their kiss and he softly pushed his tongue inside her mouth and she accepted his invitation and their tongues intertwined together. The couple got more touchy with eachother and took their business to Lucy's bed and made passionate love for the very first time.

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