Broken daily route

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This is Sam in the picture above but now on to the story.

Sam' POV

I open my eyes slowly and sit up looking around trying to find my bearings, as I did I started to realize how weak I was. My vision was blurry and I could just barely speak, I felt like even if I tried standing up I would only end up right back on the ground.

"Come on Sammy, you've made it this far you're not gonna die today." I said to myself as I used all the strength I had left to pull my body off the ground with the help of a nearby dumpster. "that's right, Sammy 1 - Life 0" I managed to get out some how, even though it was with a very low and raspy tone.

I got myself somewhat together and decided to try and find something to eat, I rummaged the dumpster looking for something, anything, even the tiniest morsel of food to nibble on. I found no food but I did find a miniature penguin plushy which made this search not a complete waste of time.

I struggled getting out of the dumpster but eventually got out putting the plush in my backpack and like that I was off. Where I was going I had no idea but I knew I'd find it when I got there.

As I walked (more like limped) I could feel the eyes of the people passing by. Staring each filled with a different emotion, disgust, pity, and so on and so forth. I could even hear a few whispers which were actually pretty loud ironically, "oh my god, poor thing" a lady said, "ugh, how absurd where are his parents" another man added on but while they all were saying and thinking these things I didn't pay them any mind. I had always been on my own and I was used to this. It was my norm and even though it would get extremely difficult at times, I wouldn't have it any other way.

As I continued on with my daily journey I saw a suspicious looking car, what made it so "suspicious" I had no idea but I just had a feeling I should keep my distance. I turned down an alley and tried to find another way to go, I turned and ran straight into a over 6 foot tall men with huge muscles, it felt as though I had ran into a brick wall.

I sat on the ground trying to get myself together after such an abrupt stop. Only a few seconds went by and then the man hastily knelt down to check on me. "Oh my god I'm so sorry little one are you hurt?" I heard him say and it caught me off guard, the way he spoke in such a caring tone "little one?" I said to myself with a raised brow. I looked up in confusion at this man and ready to question his actions, but when I looked up all of my prior thoughts had vanished. I was met with a pair of beautiful eyes, my jaw dropped.

I studied the mans features closely as his strong handsome face held a concerned look. It made me melt with how cute and caring yet tough he looked. This was staring off to be quite the day for me...

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