Chapter 1 - Why?

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I screamed very loudly in my head for any “mind readers” to hear, to which my crush flinched. I thought it must have been a coincidence so I then looked at him and said in my mind, “I know you can hear me.” He turned and looked at me weirdly. I was in disbelief. Maybe he just looked at me because I was staring at him, but why? I wasn’t even in his peripheral vision; I sit a few seats behind him. The school bell rings so I go up to him, “Hey did you want something?” Wow that sounded mean. He questions “What?” to which I reply, “Well you looked back at me in class.” He replies, “Oh sorry I just felt someone looking at me.” “Oh ok, sorry to bug you, I’ll go now.” Blake stops me, “It’s okay, you didn’t bug me, I kinda like talking to you.” I scream in my mind again, he flinches. I asked Blake if he’s okay, he avoids my prodding, “Yeah, just a little headache.” Sorry “It’s okay.” I look at him in confusion. “Oh crap.” Blakes walks backwards slowly. I mouth to him, “It’s ok I won’t tell.” He then turns around and runs.

    It’s a small town, so I know where he lives, which is right in front of my house. I don’t see him for the rest of the day. I ask around and a few people said he went home with the excuse that he had a huge headache. So, I drive home and walk to his house. I knock and to my surprise his mom answers. We never really see his mom; she is usually out getting drunk, smoking, or partying with some of her crack friends. “Is Blake home?” “No.” she states bluntly. “Why do you care you fag?” Now I see why many people don’t like her. I lie, “Because we have a project together.” “Ugh, well go to his room and wait, he’ll be home around four.” she orders me, disgust in her tone. It’s 3:40. “Okay.” I sigh, and she shows me to his room. His walls are blue, and he had posters of old-fashioned cars hanging up. A bean bag chair was sitting next to his made-up bed, with a dresser at the other end of the wall. Said dresser had a TV and an Xbox One. His clothes were scattered on the floor. I sit and start pretending to work on our “project.” 

He walks into his room and sees me. I can see him visibly panic a little. “Why are here?” he asks me in a panic. “Well you said you liked talking to me, so I wanted to talk to you.” He blushes, “I apologize for running off earlier.” “Why did you run? If you don’t mind me asking.” He gives nervous look.  I panic “You don’t have to answer that if it makes you uncomfortable.” Blake sputters out in a rush “No, I’m sorry, it’s just I don’t know how to say it or explain it.” “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked.” Blake takes a seat next to me, “No its ok, I just don’t know how to, I don’t know, express it?” “Oh, I understand.” 

    “So how did you get in here?” Blake asked me. “Oh, I lied to your mom and told her we have a project together, sorry.” Blake blushes, “Nah it’s fine, my parents won’t even let me have a girl in here for anything!” Shocked I say, “Wow, your mom and dad must be really protective or strict.” Blake looks down, “No, not at all, they just want to make me miserable.” The only thing I can think is, oh sorry, so I just stay silent. Nervous, Blake changes the topic, “Enough about me, how are you and your parents Jose?” I look at him and then at the wall, “They are cool, not really strict or careless, I guess perfect, although we have ups and downs here and there.” Blake joins me in staring at the wall, “Oh” I assume that’s all you can think of. Blake whispers quietly, “Yeah, pretty much.” I look into his ocean blue eyes, “So, you can read minds?” He stares back into my blood red eyes, “Yeah, I guess.” So, can you hear or see what I’m thinking? Blake smirks, still looking into my eyes, “I can hear you.” I look away in a panic. Well crap, what if he finds out I like him. I look back towards him, a bright red illuminates his face. I look away and stare outside the window to my house. Oh no, I think he just read my mind. Still blushing, he says, “Yeah, sorry about that, I can’t really control it yet.” I turn a bright red too. “Well I think I should get going, sorry to bug you.” Blake stops me at the door, “No please don’t leave, I want to get to know you more.” Now just my cheeks blush, “Oh, okay.” We talked for a long and fun three hours. His mom came upstairs and told me to go home. Rude. I wonder if he likes me back, no, probably not. No one likes me….

It’s the weekend so, I invite him over to hang out. He is happy when I ask and accepts my invitation. We are in my room for twenty-five minutes, when my mom walks in and tells me to go get ice cream with my little sister and Blake. This is going to be awkward. Blake confused questioned, “Why?” I blushed, “Oh crap, I forgot, but because my sister is a little blabber mouth so ignore everything, she says about me.” He chuckled, “Okay.” I get my keys and we all get in my car and start driving to the nearest ice cream parlor. Lorena asked “Who is this Jose? Your bOyFRieNd?” Blake laughs. I start to deny but trail off, “No he is just a friend a...” Blake cuts me off in surprise, “We aren’t?” I turn a bright red and feel my heart pound, “Uhm, not that I’m aware of.” Blake chuckles and Lorena chimes, “OOOH I’m telling mom and dad about your new boyfriend.” Blakes face blushes but I can also see his panic. I raise my voice, “Oh shut up.” We get to the ice cream parlor and Lorena orders chocolate chip cookie dough. Blake and I both get the cotton candy ice cream. Wow is this his favorite ice cream flavor too? Or does he just like it? Or maybe he’s just trying it? “This is my favorite ice cream parlor, and I love the cotton candy ice cream.” Blake informs me. AAAAHHH, IT IS! Blake flinches, “Ow!” “Sorry.” On the way home Lorena is talking to Blake about all the embarrassing stuff I’ve done. Blake would confirm her claims just by reading my thoughts of countless “shut ups” meant for my sister. This gave him a good laugh. We got home and head back to my room. We talked about random stuff like our favorite animals, favorite song artists, favorite songs, etc. We ended up falling asleep.

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