Chapter 2- Did That Just Happened?

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I wake up to him with his arms around me, I feel his hot breath on my neck. My heart pounds and I got up and take a shower. Crap, I forgot to bring a change of clothes, hopefully he's not awake. I open my bathroom door and look, he's fast asleep. Ugh, why is he cute when he's sleeping too. I tip toe to my chair holding my clean clothes. Blake yawns, "What are you doing?" I panic and look over to him, he is rubbing his eyes, so I hurry and grab my clothes. I trip over a shoe to which alarms Blake alerts him awake. I, now a bright red, cover myself with my towel. Blake looks at me and quickly covers his eyes and turns his head, "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I panic "No! Don't apologize I should have grabbed my clothes before I got in the shower!" Blake chuckles, "Why didn't you invite me?" I laugh and blush a bright red, "Well, I didn't think you would like to take a shower with me." Blake blushes now, "Oh, well an invite still would have been nice." I quickly say, "Well you looked comfortable and cute, so I let you be." Blake turns a red now. I grab my clothes and go back to the bathroom and quickly get dressed. I come out to Blake standing about to knock on the bathroom door. Blake blushes "Sor..." I cut him off by kissing him. Blake pulls back shocked "Wha, what are you doing?!" I say nervously "Sorry I just couldn't help myself, I'm so sorry I..." Blake cuts me off this time and kisses me. We kiss for a long five seconds. I pull away and say, "I thought you were straight." Blake smiles, "Nope, not one bit." Again, I pull him in for a kiss. I can feel his crotch rub against my thighs. He undresses me and I undress him. His hot body makes mine warm, and his ocean blue eyes meet mine. His smooth soft skin touches mine, chest to chest, lip to lip. His soft hair in my hand, his soft lips on my neck, to my chest, my stomach, and finally to my hard-on. I shiver when his hot lips wrap around it and he moves up and down. He looks up at me and moves back up to head level and kisses me again. This time I go down on him, his neck, chest, stomach, waist, his hard-on. It is huge, but I don't care. He grabs my head and thrusts my head up and down. I like this, I don't know why, but being controlled by him feels good. He moves me on the bed, and he flips me onto my back. I feel something warm go inside me, it's small but, it feels good. Then it pulls out, then I feel his hard-on go inside. So warm, so big. I moan, and to my surprise he moaned too. Blake moans and grunts, "I-I think..." I cut him off and say, "m-me t-t-to!" I feel his warm cum spill out inside, I cum too.

This time he offers me a shower together but, I don't have to answer. He already knows and opens the door. We put the water on hot and enjoy the hot water running down our heads to out backs to our feet. We finish the shower and I give him a change of clothes. "So, are we dating now?" He happily replies "Yes!"

I walk him home and he invites me inside offering to make me tea. We go up to his room, he reads my mind and starts the tea, I laugh at this. "Why are you laughing?" he asks. "Well I don't even have to reply." He blushes, "Sorry I don't mean to." "No, its fine, its cute." I say quickly. Blake continues to blush, and he continues to make tea. We head up to his room and sit on his bed and watch TV. His eyes are so pretty, I miss his hot body on mine, so soft. He blushes and gets a blanket and wraps it around us. His mom walks in and yells at him and me. Calling us fags, sinners,.... I freeze, but he doesn't. He stands up and yells, "Mom! You need to calm down, and don't you dare call me and my boyfriend those names!" She freezes in shock, apologizes and goes back downstairs. Even I freeze and tighten up. I have never seen him this mad and it's scary. Blake refocuses his attention towards me, "Are you ok? Do you wanna go home?" I relax, "I don't mind." "I know you care; I can hear you remember?" "Yeah I remember but I don't mind." He looks at me and frowns, "Will this happen at your house?" "No." "Then let me take you home or at least go home." he pesters. "Does your mom always yell at you?" He looks at the ground, "Yeah, she would normally beat me but, you're here and she's afraid you might call CPS." Very quickly without thinking, I blurt out, "Move in with me!" Shocked, Blake says, "I-I don't know what to say. My mom doesn't have a job and my dad wastes all his money on drug's, so I pay for the house, I can't." I yell, "If they make you miserable and your life a living hell then give it back to them, they don't deserve you!" He yells back, "I know, but I can't I love then!" Just then his dad walks in and punches him to the floor.

Yelling "Don't talk back and don't raise your voice at your mom! Being gay is a sin." I quickly get up and smash Blakes Xbox on his dad's head, knocking him out. My Mom runs into the room because I texted her while Blake wasn't looking and helps me with Blake. His mom left, of course. We grab his things quickly and put it into my room. Blake wakes up and asks, "Where am I?" I say "Babe, you're in my room your dad beat you up, so we brought you here with all of your stuff, minus an Xbox though. I broke it, sorry" "Thank you, thank you so much, my dad would have beaten me to death." he sobs. "Don't worry, I will never let anyone hurt you again." Blake whispers, "I hate them, I will never forget this. Thank you, Jose, I love you. Don't say anything I can hear you." "Can you hear me?" I ask in hopes of lightening the mood, it did. We all laugh. My mom leaves and me and Blake kiss, to then go to bed and wait for school tomorrow.

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