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"Why do you stand gaping there?' cried the dwarf, and his ashen-grey face became copper-red with rage."
(Brothers Grimm: Snow-White and Rose-Red)

I WANTED TO STOP by the kitchens before we left on a possible certain death mission. Elaina would surely have some wise wisdom or cruel words to really push me forward.

I walked into the kitchen where Ella's step mother was rolling dough. Her two stepsisters were in there as well, one chopping an onion and the other stirring some kind of batter.

"Hold on! We're still cooking, tell the King to—" the stepmom made eye contact with me as she turned away from rolling dough. "Wait for just one moment." She took her apron off and set it on the island, smiling at me. "Hello, Prince Rook." She bowed her head deeply.

I looked behind her where Ella stood, a cracked egg frozen above a pan, her arm still stretched out.

"Good morning, madam," I responded. "I'm sure you all have work to do so I will take Elaina quickly."

Her stepmother turned to Ella and stomped her foot. She turned back to me, an ugly look on her face. "What did she do!? I'll have her beat if you need me too. She's a no good scoundrel, I'll tell you!"

It was my turn to glare. And I had had 20 years to perfect my glare. "You will do no such thing. I am calling Ella to my service because I enjoy her company, far more than I'd enjoy either of your daughters'."

I heard a slight laugh and everyone turned to Ella who was looking at me like I was her hero. She took her apron off and set it on the island. I wanted her to say something back, to make her sisters and her step mom even more speechless. I was sick in the head to get off a bit on their embarrassment, but I didn't care.

"Hello, Rook," she smiled.

"That's Prince Rook, young lady, mind your manners." Was her stepmom going to continue to do this? In front of me?

I walked into the room and immediately everyone stiffened. "That's not what I like her to moan, ma'am."

Ella yelped. Her stepmother's mouth dropped to the floor. One of her sister's fell to the ground while the other dropped the onion on the ground.

"I have never slept with you, an—"

Awe Ella, you're ruining the shock value. "No, but Lord knows I wish you'd let me. Come along, I have some words to have with you." I held my arm out.

What was the point of being a Prince if I couldn't stomp on throats every once in a while? And if there was a chance I was going to die today, more than the other battles for sure, than I was going to have a bit of fun.

Ella walked past her stepmom and entwined her arm around mine.

"You all have a terrible, terrible, day," I said. And then I walked out of the kitchen with Ella.

Her face was beat red and she was smiling as we walked. And then she started to frown. I didn't like that look on her.

I tilted my head. "What's wrong?"

She shook her head. "You can't just do that. Thank you, I appreciate it, I really do, but I'll face the consequences later."

A little scolding? How bad could it be. "I was only jesting, Ella. I don't actually think of you that way," I laughed.

She rolled her eyes. "Thank God. What do you want?"

I pulled away from her and tucked us into a little hallway that nobody used. "I wanted to talk to you about last night," I said softly.

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