Part Two: The Story of Them

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It all started on a rainy day twenty years ago. 

2 years old Lucas was sent to an orphanage in Beacon Hills after his parents passed away in a tragic accident. The lovely parents were out that night to celebrate the new promotion Lucas's father got at his work, leaving their two years old son with the nanny. 

The young boy was shocked when he woke up the next day and found the police and the social services in his house, talking to the nanny. Lucas was informed that his parents will not be back because "God wanted them to be angels in the sky." He was taken to an orphanage by the social services, where he cried for nights, unable to believe that he won't see his parents anymore. 

Beacon Hills' orphanage that Lucas was sent to was a large place, it was separated into three different buildings; kids were grouped in these buildings by their ages. There was a big park surrounding the place, all the kids from the three buildings were allowed to gather in the park to play and have better chances to interact and play with each others. 

There were many kids in the orphanage, some got abandoned by their parents, some were homeless, some didn't get the normal amount of attention they were supposed to get from their parents so they were taken away from them, and some lost their parents and had no one to take care of them, just like Lucas. 

Weeks passed and Lucas started adapting to his new home, the caregivers in the orphanage were so nice and took good care of the kids. Lucas felt a kind of relief when he was told by other kids that their parents were also "angels in the sky" because God wanted them to be there. 

A rainy night in November was a remarkable night in Lucas's life, a night that changed everything for him.

It was almost 11 PM when Mary, one of the caregivers in this building, decided to stop reading and go to sleep. She went to check the doors and make sure they're all locked as she always does before she goes to sleep. She was by the front door in the reception room when she heard a baby crying over the heavy rain. It was obvious that the voice was coming from outside, not from the children's room. She unlocked the door in hurry and opened it, her eyes widened in shock as she found a baby bassinet placed in front of the door with an infant crying inside it.

"You poor little thing!" Mary whined, "Heartless people, how could they leave a baby alone like this? Beacon Hills holds a high record of animal attacks!" she commented, taking the basinet inside. 

"Aww, you're so small." Mary said, carrying the baby outside the bassinet, "What is this?" she asked herself as she saw the paper that was placed in the bassinet under the baby.

"Please take care of her, she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday." she read the note and shook her head in disbelief, "So you're a cute girl then?" she smiled for the baby, planting a soft kiss on her forehead, "Let's take you inside and change your clothes first, then we will eat something okay?" she whispered to the baby and turned to leave the room, when she saw Lucas standing by the door, looking at them.

"Lucas! What are you doing here? you're supposed to be sleeping!"

"I heard a baby crying," he answered innocently. 

"Well, it's a new baby, I will change her clothes and put her to sleep.," she said in a soft tone, "now go back to your bed sweetie."

"Can I see it?" he asked again.

"Sure, sweetie, but after that, you'll go back to your bed okay?" Mary said with a smile and Lucas nodded in approval, walking towards them. Mary bent down, allowing him to have a look at the new visitor, "Is it a girl?" he asked again, reaching his hand to the baby's head and wiping the water drops away.

"Yes she is, she's a cute little girl." 

"What's her name?" Lucas asked again curiously.

"I don't think she has a name yet." Mary said, "apparently, the person who left the note didn't even bother writing a name." she mumbled under her breath in frustration. 

"If she doesn't have a name, can we call her Selena?" Lucas said after a moment and Mary's heart ached in pain. Selena was the name of Lucas's mother, who passed away 3 months ago.

"Oh, sweetie, sure... we can call her Selena." she smiled to him, planting a kiss on his forehead, "Now go back to sleep, I will let you check on her in the morning., okay?"

"Okay, good night Mary," he said as he turned to leave, "and good night, Selena." he added before leaving the room and going back to his bed.

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