Sneaking Unnoticed

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Meanwhile, Aiger and his friends are wearing their rubberized armor to protect them. The four boys were sneaking around Beigoma without getting caught.

"Come on guys! Water Scout Girl headquarters is only a few blocks away." Aiger said. "Right behind you." Ranjiro said. "Alright!" Fubuki said. 

Then, a truck opened revealing more zombies. "Look out!" Suoh called out. The four of them avoided the zombies and made it to an alley. They then saw a shadow of an animal. 

"Aw. It's a dog. Come on little dog." Ranjiro said. But, the shadow happened to be Agent Goat turned into a zombie. Then, more zombie animals appeared. Zombie Agent Owl, Zombie Agent Frog, and Zombie Agent Pig. 

All the zombie animals were aggressive. "Oh no!" Aiger said. "We have an even big problem with the zombie animals!" Fubuki said. "I see. The contagion must have a different effect on animals." Suoh explained. "Let's get out of here!" Ranjiro panicked. 

Then with Agent Barry's help, the four guys escaped the animal zombies. "Looks like we lost them." Aiger said. "Turns out." Fubuki agreed. "Yes!" Ranjiro said as he pumped his fist into the air. "Yes and no." Suoh reassured as he saw more zombies.

Fortunately, they were able to avoid them and arrive at their destination. Water Scout Girl headquarters. But, it was barred up.

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