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A/N: [The rape/non-con is there for Magna's cousin and it will only ever be in references I will not be writing anything detailed about it because I don't want to trigger anyone and this isn't the story for writing about something like that as I would not be able to give it the time and attention it deserves]

Small note: Magna's cousin is called Maisie in this and I've also given her a brother called Morgan.

y'all are going to hate me because yes, this is going to be over 20000 words about a single night. And probably not even the whole night. but there's also flashbacks so it's OK? In my defense, we've gotten very few conversations with these two so there was a lot to talk about. I can't be held responsible for my actions. blame the writers.

I'm honestly a little worried that I'm going to bore people to tears because there's really no plot. It's just yumagna being soft and finally sorting out their shit.

I'm also working on a short oneshot - for real this time it's actually going to be short - that's set in the indeterminate future after this. It's basically just going to be pure fluff which you should knew is unheard of - I never write fluff. So hopefully it's not terrible.

There be angst here, lots of angst, but also comfort - if you're familiar with my writing that won't be a surprise to you.

I don't have much hope for canon so I decided to do what I could to fix the mess they made.

I normally wouldn't reveal anything that's going to happen in a fic but y'all have been tortured enough already so just know I will absolutely be getting these girls back together, it won't take more than a night, but it will take about 20000 words. Most of the story is written out already I'm just doing post-edits so I'll update daily :)

If things seem a little disjointed it's because I wrote everything out of order and it's been a bit of a struggle to get everything to fit into place. I also haven't slept more than 1-4 hours a night for the past three weeks, have been getting constant migraines and blood sugar crashes so I'm gonna apologize right now if there are any mistakes. I'm super sorry.

This is for the yumagna fandom cos I wanted y'all to have something nice with everything that's going on. I would also like to give a special thanks to Abbey and Mina who acted as my sounding board throughout this whole thing and were very patient with me - love you guys :)

. . . 

"If you love me, don't let go


Hold on

Hold on to me

'Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady . . . "

- Unsteady by X Ambassadors

. . .

Nightmares had always been an issue, though less so in recent years. Magna had almost gotten used to having a full night's sleep, barring the occasional pillow snatch. In the old world, she'd been on medication for PTSD and that had helped some. But, well. . . it was kind of hard to fill a prescription in the middle of an apocalypse - and said apocalypse had only added to the previous need for said medication. At least she was in good company. These days, it was more of a surprise if someone wasn't experiencing some form of post-traumatic stress, and that was a somewhat odd reality to wake up in, day after day. For years, this thing had set her apart, but now? Now it just made her like everyone else. Now it just made her normal.

(Magna had never been normal in her life)

Miko had nightmares too.

It was what had led to them sharing a 'bed' in the first place, way before things between them moved beyond the confines of friendship. They'd fallen asleep by the fire one particularly cold night, curled around each other for warmth, and they hadn't awoken until morning.

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