chapter two: part 2 of 'a giant welcome to the neighborhood'😍🤩

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zach's P.O.V:

This is it! I finally moved to a nice and peaceful place of my own. 

As I got out of my car and ran up to the van that has all my furniture and boxes in. I was about to help the guys to put the boxes away, I saw a girl looking at me with a blush and a cute smile so decided to give a smile back. I had an idea that I would go up to her front door and say hi.

I heard a couple of squeals and banging noises from inside the house, so I assumed that she accidentally fell on the stairs. The doors were opened and revealed a gorgeous girl standing in front of me, 'i need to act natural' " Hi! I just wanted to ask why you were staring at me?" CRAP! I hope she doesn't think that I said it in a rude manner.

"Uhm, well I saw the van and I was just curious who it is", she answered really quickly. it's adorable how she behaved.

"uh-huh, well... I'm your new neighbor. the name's Zach. Zach Callison." I smiled at her and stuck my hand out for a handshake. she gave one back.

"(y/n) (l/n)", once we shook each other's hands she begins to speak." hey, um... do you need help with moving furniture?" she implied as she pointed to the vehicle. I looked at the van then back at her giving her a smile." follow me".

Once we got to the van, she started to look inside and pulled out the heaviest furniture and lifting it up. "Woah, careful! you might need help with this" I began to run towards her to help her lift it up.

"no need, I lift weights every day. it's no problem" she said in a proud manner.

"but it's really heavy" I gave her a one last little warning.

"Really, I can deal with it. I did this when I first moved in here 2 years ago" she reassured me.

"Okay, if you say so" I whispered it. I was shocked that she managed to get the object out of the van really patiently. damn, she is so strong and independent, it really made me think that she can really be the type of person who can handle things really differently. After 5 hours of work of making the house feel like home and welcoming, it was time for me to try and settle in. it was great working with (y/n), it made me sad that we have to separate. the day nearly ended so we have to leave each other's company, I've learned so much about (y/n), I began to feel something different about her that made me feel like I was in paradise each time she giggles or spoke. this wasn't like me to behave like this, normally I wouldn't fall in love with someone that quickly, but she is different. " I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked while tilting my head to the side. 

"yeah!" she answered it like the world wasn't going to end.

"Okay, I'll see you then" I was about to give her a hug but hesitated, so instead I gave her a pat on the shoulder.

I went back home and sat down on the couch. after 10 minutes of silence, I heard a loud crash and a choking sound. I ran outside and went to (y/n)'s house and knocked on the door worriedly, the noise continued so I HAVE to open the door to reveal a cool whit house and a poor (y/n) laying on the ground. I checked if she ate anything that could give her this effect, but there wasn't anything that she ate. once I managed to calm her down, I picked her up and gently placed her light body to the couch. I sat down next to her and stroked her shoulder, resisting the temptation to place a kiss on her soft lips. "I'm sorry that I bothered you" she apologized as if it was her fault that she was about to die from choking half to death.

"no need, you were in danger2 I gave her a reassuring smile. as I finally got enough courage I stood up and so did she, I gave a hug. and yet another goodbye. sadly I have to leave her, but I get to see her tomorrow. she waved back and had a dark shade of pink plastered on her face. 

how cute.


                                                    AUTHOR'S NOTE:

thank you guys, again for reading this chapter. I decided to come up with this chapter as Zach's point of view of this beginning of the story.

again, thank you so much for reading this!

                                                                                              love from the author.



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