X | Slut

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"I'll chew you up and I'll spit you out
'Cause that's what young love is all about
So pull me closer and kiss me hard
I'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart"
- Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA


"That's a long drop" Eddie always said this as they looked down the quarry edge to the water below.

"Who's going first?" Bill asked.

"I'll go!" we all looked back to find Cherry undressing, she had on some lacy red underwear that made all the guys drool, Bev rolled her eyes.

She jumped into the water gracefully and once she popped up again I jumped straight in, my back boxers rustled in the air as I dropped down, they all followed suit.

They played chicken and splashed each other and everything was good, once done they went to the nearby diner.

Cherry sat next to Me. I liked that.

"That So didn't happen!" Bev was teasing Ben about a story he had told that sounded very fake.

"I believe you Ben, don't worry" Cherry winked at him and he blushed, her smile was bright and beautiful. Bev rolled her eyes.

"Is it true your a slut?" Everyone stopped talking and stared at Bev, her gaze was direct and menacing and it pierced into Cherry's skin, she blushed and looked around awkwardly before answering.

"Um... what do you mean?"

"Did you really fuck a teacher for better grades?"


"Did you fuck Leo goodman behind the bleachers?"


"Did you fuck Henry Caville in the school bathroom"

She toyed with her fingers.

"You heard about that..."

"Who hasn't, but it's true yeah?"


"So you're a slut!"

"Bev stop being a bitch" I spat at her, her eyes wondered before she sat back.

"Sorry about her" I bent down and whispered in Cherry's ear, she smiled lightly with a blush.

"It's fine" she whispered back.

"I didn't want to do it." The table fell silent again.

"What?" Bill asked.

"He told me if I didn't do it he'd tell everyone I fucked Mr Gerard for a better grade, so I did it because people already thought I had, but even after that he told everyone I did and what we did in the bathroom, so I broke up with him" my heart sank.

"What an asshole" she smiled at him.

"Shit I'm sorry" Bill said, the other guys nodded, even Eddie. Bev stayed looking down.

After everyone ate they all left and parted ways, I drove her home.

"Thanks for being so nice rich"

"It's nothing" i smiled.

She looked at me in the drivers seat as we were parked outside her house, she unbuckled our belts, I was confused, she leaned closer to me and put her hand on my leg, i squirmed at the contact and stared as her hand went closer to my dick, she reached for my belt and began unbuckling it. I watched froze. She then unbuttoned my jeans and pulled the zipper down.

"W-w-what a-are you d-doing?" I breathed out shakily, she looked up at him.

"Giving you a handjob?" She spoke.

"A-as much as I would l-love that... why?" I asked, my heart pounding, she was going to give ME a handjob!

"You were nice to me..." she shyed away and sat back in her seat.

"Just because a guys nice to you doesn't mean you have to give them a handjob Cherry, I just like you" a tear slipped down her cheek.

"Don't cry, you're too pretty to cry, please Cherry" she looked up at me.

"I'm sorry richie I- I'm such a slut" she burst into tears, I watched helpless.

"No you're not Cherry, you were hurt and he was an asshole" she sniffled.


"Really" she smiled at me before engulfing me in a Hug, I hugged back.

After a while she pulled away and got out, she waved at me as I drove away, my pants still unzipped.

She was going to give me a fucking HANDJOB.



It wasn't right, she was hurt..

She doesn't like me....


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