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Disclaimer: straight from the imaginary world 😂 please no offence.

Sid : Lets start

Soul : yes sir

Sid : spot jog

Soul started to spog jog in the place

The sound of her spot jog is echoing the room, so the second she stops he can listen to it, there's no one in the hall as its already night

Sid : now tell me what happend with every detail, if you miss the detail I will screw you hard, so tell me each and every detail of what happend

Soul : yes sir

I've slept till evening. There was a knock so I went to check, two trainers were standing out and they've said that they've not recieved any information on my stay and asked for my details as there's no official information

When I was about to say the details, one of the officers screamed on how I was standing inside and answering officers without even welcoming in the room.. so..

Sid : so you will let any guy in if they say they are officers?

Soul: no sir, they had unit insignia, so they belong to academy, they aren't in pt uniform so they are not cadets for sure, tho I can't see their instructor badge they're wearing jacket, so I can say they are class A, and definitely I can't disrespect them so I've asked them to come in sir

Sid stayed shock for a minute

Sid : what is class B uniform ?

Soul : class A uniform without jacket

Sid : what if some class B cadet stole the jacket of class A ?

Soul stayed mute for a minute with no answer

Sid : don't worry, cadets won't dare to do such things in this academy, but the girl who knows soo much of academy also should know the rules?

There's no rule that class A has to be treated with respect in your residential area, and they've no right to collapse into your room, unless untill you allow them, and choice is yours, no matter of classes you can still deny if you dont know them, got it ?

Soul : yes sir (she's practically sweating and he's prolonging the discussion to make her feel more tired)

Sid : continue

Soul : they've asked me about my trainer details and my check in stuff, after getting the information they asked me about my family details, saying that its mandatory to register now a days, I said I can only give them those details with permission of you, they got angry stamped tables hard scared me, asked me to meet you saying you are in aqua now

I've walked here and I did not find anyone, someone locked the door from outside

Sid : why the hell do you think i will be here ?

Soul : I don't know sir.. they said you will be here and I thought they're being true (shaking with fear)

Sid : you had enough rest right? Hows your muscles feeling right now?

Soul : yes sir I had enough rest, muscles are better than morning sir

Sid : run in the ground and if you don't meet my expectation even god can't save you

Soul : yes sir

Sid: start!!

After such long spot jog it's hard to run in the ground now and more over she did not do any stretches before she started, her calves started to tighten with every passing meter, her speed slowed down and legs started to give up

She forced all her muscles to finish the run not even focusing on time anymore

She fell before him as soon as she completed her lap

Sid : if you don't get up in 30 seconds, you will go for another round

Soul (duckkk) yes sir

she forced herself to get up and stand on her feet, her legs are trembling and sweat is all over her body

Sid : do you know why your muscles are aching and legs are trembling ?

Soul : because I did not stretch them before my run sir

Sid: good, you'll not have any stretches for week starting from now and your training starts sharp at 0400hrs if you want to do any kind of stretches do it at your home, that's not allowed in ground, clear?

Soul (aghh, fucked up, I'll have cramps if I dont do stretches) yes sir

Sid : choose a suitable punishment for your offense

Soul stayed calm and started to think on what she should say

Sid : mam, 24 hrs are enough to think?

Soul: I can't find any suitable punishment sir, I'll take any punishment as you say fit sir

Sid : answer my questions

Soul : yes sir

Sid : what's the basic punishment you ever saw in academy

Soul: runs sir

Sid : runs aren't punishment for cadets in any way, that's just extra task, am asking about PUNISHMENT, extra workouts are never punishments, if you give me another wrong answer, I'll choose the worst punishment for you

Soul (I know what you are expecting me to say sir ) standing on fours and balancing upper body weight on head sir and lower body weight on legs sir

Sid : any excuses not to give you this punishment mam?

Soul heartbeat stopped for a minute, gulping her fear down "no sir"

Sid : get into the position, let that dumb brain learn the basic lesson

Soul gave a painfull look and said yes sir and got into the position

The struggle is really real, it's more painfull than she ever imagined it was

Sid : I want those feet to be flat on ground, if I see you on toes again I'll tie up the weights and you will not like it

Soul : yes sir

Sid : ass up high in the air!!

Soul shut her eyes in the humiliation and followed his command

Sid: if you squirm or push that body lower, you will stay in this position untill tomorrow morning, until the last cadet reaches the ground

She stayed in the position without even squirming a bit with fear

Her head started to get crazy pain and legs started to tremble more

He did not mention time intentionally

He started to walk around observing her posture lecturing her about rules

This punishment is both painful and humiliating and body started to ache from toes to head

After making her repeat rules for hour atleast, multiple times over and over again until he heard her voice cracking with pain he let her stand up

When she finally stood up her eyes are filled with tears, hair is with bit dust

Sid : look at yourself, tears for first punishment itself, think about all this before doing some stupid stuff, tears don't make any sense, you can't go back and erase your mistakes, right?

Soul swiping her tears off her face : yes sir

Sid : I am letting you go this time, if I find you doing this mistake again, I'll screw you such hard that you will pack your bags and leave, but remember tomorrow training going to be very hard, you yourself making me go hard on you

Soul : yes sir

Sid : come with me for dinner

She dusted her hair a bit and walked with him for dinner


Cliffhangers in way, don't be disappointed already :)

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Love ❤

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