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Soul pov :

"Get up soul, wake up" that's sid sir's voice trying to wake me up

I slowly raised my heavy eyes to see what's his problem but I could open only one eye, I slowly opened one eye and saw him and raised my eyebrow

"You've 15mins to come out" he said in his most commanding tone making my heart jump and body to awake for the real world, my sleep just run away with his tone, I looked at watch, its fucking 0230 why is he waking me up at this time ? What's wrong with him? Why's he tone so serious ? Commanding ? Aggressive?

I got up got freshed took my shower with Damn freezing water in this freezing cold weather

When I went out my legs literally stuck to ground, yuv sir and sid sir are waiting for me, this duo at this time and sid sir's tone is a bad bad sign and bad way to start my day, this gives me a picture that my day is going to be bad, damn bad!

Aghh my humiliation waiting for me sitting in sofa "stupid soul reporting as ordered sir" I said in attention and back to ease waiting for them

"join the run" yuv sir said in his high pitch ugly stupid commanding soldiers tone which gave me goosebumps and a two second heart pain, I never heard this tones before, that's scary, stop scaring me with this tones..

"Yes sir" I said with my crooked afraid voice and joined their run

It's snowing, weather is worst, heavy chilled air, its soo dark and this people are taking me to run at this time, did they got bitten by karl sir ? He's the only one who will scream and yell on me in this tone, this two are most good boys so far slowing turning into villains in my life, there's something wrong, oh wait! Is this revenge on yesterday's thing ? But I didn't do anything! I am not the one who pranked and got punished! Don't involve me in your dirty deeds! Or is it bcoz of my complaints? If it is soo end will end in my hands!!

I looked back as we are running for sooo long, village is no where to be seen, we are still running, they're running still running and running! I am tired already, soo tired, I am so tired long back ago, my nose is feeling like it got burnt bcoz of weather, chilled air is freezing my face, my lungs are feeling heavy, run is supposed to produce heat right? No? It don't? Hmm! Physics, I need to study physics! Oh wait it's not even physics lol! Oh it is! Oh god this run and my tiredness making my brain go crazy am just jumping from one thing to another, focus on run soul, focus!

Whys hills are soo sloppy ? Why do hills have stones ? Whys this people are not stopping? Do this guys use some sort of drugs which don't make them feel tired easily like I do ? Why are their legs are not tired and mine are ? Ohhhhhh are these guys eating something else secretly without giving me that ? Shhh! Soul stop overthinking!

Okay now am hell tired, both my legs and thoughts are running at same speed, my calves are feeling cramps, thighs are feeling knots, I fell down with loud noise! Not tired, I fell down bcoz of stone before me, they stopped and helped me get up and started their running! What?

Whaaaaat? They did not even ask me if I am hurt! Ouchhhhh this hurts more than anything! This people are as cold as the weather today, one thing I am soo sure my day is going to be pretty pretty bad!

We were still running in our infinity marathon!

When I am almost ready to faint they stopped and saw me, i am holding my knees and panting like hundred dogs! But their glare made my posture straight! Why are they shooting me?

"PUSHUPS" sid sir screamed on me as if am running away from them

I immediately dropped and did pushups, the rough texture on ground made my gloves tear just after tenth pushups, if it's my bare hand then it will bleed by this time!

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