Change is Scary.

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Four is scared, afraid of what just happened today. It was supposed to be a normal day, he got everything ready— the challenge, elimination, etc. It did not go as he had planned.

Four has a fear of fire, and weakness. He thinks being weak is well- stupid wnd dumb. Thus, Four had kept his neck up high, like a proud lion. He had this soft side he didn't want anyone to see, so he hid it with Pride and Ego, hoping to be seen as a strong figure.

It didn't last very long.

When Four was eliminating Spongy, who is honestly really large; he struggled. Now this is one of Four's fears. Four had been afraid of being seen as weak, as he feared fire and such. Being seen as struggling or being weak at something so easy is scary for Four, especially now he found out that the contestants are piling up to watch him suffer.

"Four's actually struggling with something! I have got to see this!" Exclaimed Snowball, followed by all the Objects.

These objects— they shouldn't even be called objects they are degenerates. They don't deserve to live at all. Four was here struggling, and there they were laughing at his pain, like he was some clown. Like he was the jester for the king. Long long ago, he thought that he was the king but he remembered— these degenerates have tried to kill him.

As they won over their little tug of war, Four started chasing around Loser and Spongy, and there came someone— who ignored him and insulted his show.

Taco, bless her, confronted Two that B.F.B is NOT. Stupid. Oh, but don't bless her anymore, she just praised Two!? Now everyone's turning against him as he amazes his contestants.

Four watched helplessly as Two stole his beloved contestants who he should've sacrificed to the Gods in the first place! What rude mortals. Four has done so much for them, giving them decent food, a house, recovering their precious lives and now they're leaving him!?

Two covered the sun, covered it with spikes and hit Four with it as the contestants laughed at Four. He was being humiliated! How dare they humiliate him! Though, Four couldn't really do anything. His mind was blocked from so many pressure-y stuff going on. Four then recovered Bottle— who was killed by Two— but Bottle ditched him too!? Bottle should of been glad that Four remembered to bring her back, else she could be dead forever and no one would care!

Four is hurt now.

He tried to hold in the tears, covering his face with his arm. X came back with another juice box for Four. Four immediately asked X if he would leave him too. X stuttered, not knowing what to say. Clearly X wanted to leave Four and go to Two. Four just told X to go ahead and leave, join Two. X— who didn't seem to hesitate at all just left Four alone.

Two then zapped Four's crew somewhere else.

It seemed like a tropical paradise, or a historical land. It filled of pillars, gorgeous waterfalls, old armory and weapons. Maybe this was the land of the old ancestors back then.

Taco asked Four what would happen, and he assured her that B.F.B would continue, and that they had advance to the final fourteen.

Of course, Four couldn't sleep that night. With too many emotions going on through his mind right now, he couldn't function properly. Four twitched, and sobbed. Keeping quiet as to not let anyone else hear his sobs. The fact that he was left hurt him so so much.

Four knew that all his beloved contestant left him, even Bottle and X! X, who he helped find his value, is now with Two! Four thought he was X's treasure but it seems X will now replace him with Two! X, who was so so important to Four just vanished in thin air! He left, boom, gone. Stayed with Two, left Four for some— some chad with powers!

Four got hurt even more. He just knew that maybe he was too replaceable. He wasn't special or needed, and could be replaced by a little piece of rock. It hurt him so much to think of this, and to know that it's the truth.

Four wanted to know; Why did you leave me? Was I not enough? Why didn't you stay? But he didn't want to know the ugly, ugly truth about all of this. It would just hurt him even more than it had.

There wasn't any point anymore— if Four was just left to Fourteen people left! Fourteen who stayed to battle for B.F.B, out of all the 54 of them! Oh, the shame! They should've been glad Four invited them to do something with their boring old lives!

But— he wasn't angry. Instead, he was afraid so so much. He knew he can't trust anyone now that they would just make fun of his weakness! Why would he even bother to change after all of that? If only he had shown them who's boss— he should've skinned Two when he saw him, fed his skin to the rats, let Two's body rot and let him suffer in land. But— people won't even come back to him if he did that. X wouldn't like it. They would be disgusted, see Four as a pathetic creature that shouldn't even exist.

Four can't cope with the change either. No more X. No more co-host. No more buddies. His routine is long gone. No more noisy contestants to scold, or eat with at Gelatin's steakhouse. There was too much change for Four to take in, as he crumpled into the ground.

Four felt even more insecure, being afraid to the point where everything in his mind is about fear and his weakness. Would they use this to their advantage? YES, THEY WOULD! Four knows that. What if— the B.F.B. contestants only stayed to annihilate him? Oh the terror! Four— who is rigidly alone right now is in the red area.

Though he could never keep his thoughts away from the objects he cherished.. leaving him.. and making fun of him..

They used him, only cared for him because of his prize. They just straight out ditched him. Four couldn't feel anger, instead he felt sadness, worry, and guilt. This was the first time Four had felt.. humane. He had this soft spot he hid from everyone, that he rarely shows to anyone.

He sobbed more, to the point that his sobs were enough to fill a whole pitcher of water.

"Change really is scary." Said a familiar Voice. It wasn't X's squeaky tone, or Bottle's social tone.

Instead it was different.

Hoarse, low, and tired.

Four looked up and stared at his left.

There was Leafy, looking at him with tired eyes.

Leafy, who was in EXIT.

First to rejoin the show.

Leafy who debuted back in 2010.

There she was, sitting next to him.

Leafy watched Four cry the whole time.

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