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little miss milkshake

are you alive??
how's the hangover??

Jo hasn't read little women

is a bitch :(

my dad just lectured me for
like 30 minutes. plus now I
have to study with a hangover

also... I kinda don't remember
like half the things I said ???
I didn't embarrass
myself too much did i?

little miss milkshake

not much, you get distracted easily
and you change moods fast.

also you said that I was "mean but pretty"
so you were into it.

Jo hasn't read little women

omg you're kidding.
no that sounds like me.
fuck me :(

little miss milkshake

don't worry
it's okay it was cute

I never had someone
drunk call me before

Jo hasn't read little women

glad to be your first then

do you know how I ended up in my room?
lizzie was at the game when I woke up
and hasn't come back yet

little miss milkshake

landon carried you
or lizzie idk she ended the call when they
found you on the forest

not the smartest decision to go there

btw is she winning??

Jo hasn't read little women

lizzie saltzman always wins
but fuck I hope so, I can't deal with
her being moody AND a hangover

probably lizzie, landon doesn't have
much strength. like at all.

yeah let's not go into me
making good decisions while drunk

little miss sunshine

that sounds really responsible, love

Jo hasn't read little women

send me an voicenote :((
pretty please :((
I'm hangover take pity on me :((

little miss milkshake

well I already did

Jo hasn't read little women


little miss milkshake

when you called me drunk
not my fault you were so out
you can't remember xx

Jo hasn't read little women

oh you're evil

little miss milkshake

yeah I get that from my dad's side

gtg they're calling me for lunch

also I gotta go beg to my mom to not
give my inheritance away

since you know, you called at 2 am

Jo hasn't read little women

oopsie don't hate💙💙

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