Hey there

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They had only met 5 days ago, the first day they didn't really speak, the second day was when she started to fall for him, they talked some that night, the third day they talked and hung out, that night they stayed up till 3am together talking and laughing, the fourth day they went on an outing together, just the two of them and the last day they soaked up as much as they could out of each other before he had to leave.
It all started when her dad had taken up a job offer to "captain" a house boat around on the lake. They had spent every summer at the same lake on the same house boat and he would only be the "captain" to some of their close friends and some of their close friends friends that she and her dad didn't know...yet.
At first she didn't know if she wanted to go but after hearing that she could spend the five hour drive to the lake blasting music with her close friend Delilah, whom they all called Del. And Del would be bringing her two Ski-Doo's that she could ride around the lake on, any time she wanted, she started packing and downloading even more music.
"Are you ready?" her dad, Bill asked. "Ya, I'll meet you in the car, I just have to say goodbye to mom first." she replied. "Ok, I'll be waiting for you." he said in return as he walked out the door of the house. It was early, maybe 6 in the morning but if they wanted to gas up on the way out of town and make it to the lake between 12 and 1 in the afternoon they had to leave that early.
"Bye mom, love you, see you next week." she said. "Bye Victoria, love you. Keep in touch while your gone." her mom, Mary, replied. "Mom you know that's hard. There is almost never cell reception at the lake unless we go to the marina," she said and though her mom fully knew this she still gave Victoria a stare that said "fine but call as often as you can" and once Mary had her mind on something it most likely would NOT change. "fine mom but you know it's hard, we will call when we are in reception." "Ok, talk with you then." Mary said with an exasperated sigh. "Bye mom" Victoria called one last time as she walked out the door. She thought she could make out a faint bye sound form her mom but she was already outside the door and walking to the car.
"Finally. What took you so long, I must have been waiting here for hours." her dad said jokingly as she got in the car. "Ya but you know how mom is, all that talk." she and her dad shared a look that said "well that's mom" right before pulling out of the driveway and into the road.
When they pulled up to the gas station she hopped out of the car and went in to buy a few candy bars and some chips, there was a long road ahead and she needed her "road trip" snacks. When Victoria walked out of the store she saw Del pull up next to a gas tank and Victoria ran to greet her. "Del! Hi! It feels like it's been so long since I've seen you, though it was probably only one or two weeks ago!" Victoria said as she ran to give Del a hug. Del was about 65 almost the same age as Victoria's dad. But that didn't stop their friendship. Who said that a 14 year old could not get along with a woman who was about 50 years older. Del was fun and energetic, she was like a cool aunt to Victoria and she didn't care how much Victoria cursed, she would just curse along with Victoria. "Tori! It does kind of seem like that, are you ready to go?" Del asked her, she was one of the only people outside of Victoria's family that called her Tori and Victoria loved it. It was a term of endearment to her and when these kind of trips were taken, with the people they were going with, she could go up to 3 weeks only being called Tori. "Yes. Well, almost, let me grab my pillow and coffee and we can go." Victoria said as she also grabbed her speaker that would be used for the next 5 or 6 hours straight. "Ok, there is no rush, we still have to wait for Eric." Del yelled to Victoria accrosd the lot.
Eric was one of the people that worked for Dr. Dave the guy who Bill was being the "captain" to. Dr. Dave had decided on also inviting his whole office which was about 7 people to the lake. This was fine, seeing as they were all close with each other and with the other people including Bill and Victoria who were going on this trip. If you saw them you would in no way think they were co workers but a tight knit group of friends.
Right as Del said that Eric pulled up and Victoria put the stuff she needed for the drive into Del's car they then got settled in and started to drive.
When Victoria(A.K.A. Tori for the next week) turned up the volume on the song Young Wild and Free Del started to crack up at the lyrics. This is almost how the next 5 1/2 hours went.
After being there for 2 days, setting up the boat and having a blast on the third day with some of the younger employees who were in their 20's her 4th day came. Tori didn't know it yet but very soon she would be falling head over heels for Him.
Tori was laying out getting her tan on with some of the girls when she heard the boat coming nearer. She propped herself up on her elbows and since they were on the top deck she could see the boat pulling up. From then on it was all in slow motion to her. When He and his family stepped out of their speed boat He started to walk up the stairs to meet her and the girls. 'He is so cute' she thought. He was taller then her and had golden tan skin, loosely curled lighter brown hair and BLUE eyes, oh ya, and he was BUILT.
"Hey, I'm Peter." he said as he stood in front of her on the top deck, giving her a small wave. "Hey," she said, "I'm Victoria but you can call me Tori if you want."
They didn't know it yet but that small exchange started the whole thing.

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