Ice Cream

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Tori's POV:
I felt like I had just embodied happiness. I felt like I was flying. I felt like I was a balloon and no one and nothing could ever pop me.
I was sitting at the front of the boat. We were going fast and the wind was blowing through my hair. It was one of the most amazing feelings in the world and my favorite seat on the boat.
I was on a boat ride. I had to get away from Peter. I know what you're thinking 'oh no something happened between them' but no, everything's fine. I just needed to get away from all the sexual tension. Again, you're probably thinking 'sexual tension at this age no way,' but you know what I mean.
Even though I feel so great I'm missing him. Oh my god, it's only been a half-hour and I'm already missing him. If he's not careful I'm gonna fall for him hard. He better be careful.
"C'mon get in the tube don't be scared," Pete said. "I don't want to tube right now though," I replied. I had gone earlier what more did this guy want from me. I mean come on. I already said I didn't want to go. I was having fun watching Peter and his two brothers on there anyway. If Pete wasn't Peter's dad I would have either told him to fuck off or flip him off at this point.

"Come on." He continued "Just get on the damn thing". I smiled looked over at him and said sweetly "No I don't think I will." God this guy was getting on my nerves.

"Are you coming Victoria?" Peter yelled to the boat. "No, she's not coming" Pete started "I think it's because she's too scared and doesn't want to get shown up by some boys who are younger than her." He continued to say. As if this man hadn't pissed me off enough but now he thought he could go right ahead and answer for me with the most opposite answer ever. I was so close to telling him to fuck off but I just swallowed and nodded. I would not say that to Peter's father.
Just to show him up I stood up got on the tube stayed on the longest and got off. "There," I said to Pete "happy now?"
Finally after what felt like the longest ride of my life due to a sexist prat named Pete we got to the marina. My dad was back at the houseboat taking an afternoon nap. When I told him I was going and asked for money he was so tired and all he did was give me his card. Great for me. Not good for him.
'Hmmmmm?' I wondered 'what ice cream should I get?' Just as I reached for a drumstick Peter reached for one too.

Our hands brushed and when I felt those soft yet calloused hands that belonged to him it took me right back to the previous night, his hands all over me, in my hair, and his lips on mine. He grinned at me, big and sloppy, right as I came out of my flashback and I knew he had just had it too. God, if certain people that we call friends and family weren't around right now I would kiss him right there in front of the ice cream.

'Damnit Victoria' I said to myself 'stop thinking about him'. I had to, and believe me I tried but I couldn't. It was like my mind was a prison and the thought of him was locked in it. I know what you're thinking 'just unlock it' and I know but I'm not stupid I had already thought of that and believe me I've searched everywhere for the key but couldn't find one. It was like there was no key. And believe me, I NEEDED that key! UGHHHHH!
"So," he said to me "it occurred to me earlier that I don't even know where you're from?" Peter and I were on the top of the houseboat chilling on some lounge chairs. "Ummm well" I started "Colorado," I said knowing that he should know where Colorado was even if he didn't live there. He smiled "Me too". "Where?" I asked. "Ft. Collins," he said, "it's near Denver". "Ya I know where it is," I started "I have some family that lives there." "Cool" "Ya I guess but I live about 3 hours away by where Dr.Dave works" "Oh cool I've been there. We are actually re moldering a house in El Jebel so that we can stay there in the summer and winter some" I smiled at that. He would be close to me then. "Fun, I actually live like 5/10 minutes from there" then this look of realization came over his face be and he smiled with me "That's good," he said "Ya it is" I agreed.

My mind went into overdrive then. I started thinking of all the things we could do while he was in town. In the summer we could go to the ski lake or skateboard around town and in the winter we could go snowboarding or ice skating. We would have fun.

I smiled and looked back at him and that's when I noticed where his eyes were. My lips. I looked at his for a second and then looked back up into his eyes. Those bright blue orbs that I had come to love. Then he looked me in my eyes slowly leaning in and closing them along with the gap between us. He kissed me and all thoughts of the things we could do together disappeared from my mind. All I thought about were his lips on mine and his hands, one in my hair and one on my waist. I reached up and wrapped my hands around his neck and slipped them into his hair.

The kiss that had started soft and gentle had turned quickly. Both of us were pouring everything into it now. He deepened the kiss and my whole body surrendered to his. All we wanted to do was taste and touch and feel. And that's what we did.
Peter's POV:
Everyone was asleep except for us. Jacob was in the corner snoring like a chainsaw but other than that it was quiet. I had just had an amazing day, went tubing, got some ice cream, and kissed V. Now I was sitting on her lounge chair bed leaning against the back of the chair with her curled into me. I sighed contently and she looked up at me. I have her a quick peck on the lips. When I pulled back I saw her smile at me. She was perfect. This was perfect. Her breathing slowed and became even, I could tell she was asleep. All I wanted to do was hold her like this and try to make this moment last forever. And with those final thoughts, I joined her in dreamland.


Tori's POV:

I woke up and felt someone's arms around me, which came as a bit of a surprise. Turning around and seeing his face though made everything flood back into my brain. I smiled and just looked at him, this was perfect, laying in the perfect place with the perfect person. He looked so peaceful, breathing measured and on beat. I reached down off the chair and grabbed my phone to see what time it was. 'Jesus Christ!'  I exclaimed in my head, 'It's already 5 in the morning!' The dads always get up around 6 to either go fishing or surfing and it would've been very hard to explain to them why Peter and I slept all cuddled up if nothing was going on between us. (At least to the best of their knowledge, nothing was going on and we'd like to keep it that way.) I turned my head back towards Peter and kissed him softly. He made a small sound, smiled, and turned his head to the other side. I kissed him again, this time staying there until he started kissing back. I pulled back and he smiled. "Come back here," he said in a rough, sexy, sleepy voice. "I'm sorry love but you have to get up and climb into your own bed," I told him "It's 5 in the morning and you and I both know that all the dads will be up soon, and we both know that we do not want them seeing our current sleeping arrangement." I continued. "Yeah," He started with a pout "I guess you're right." He gave me another kiss and got up from behind me begrudgingly and crawled into his bed. I slid myself down into my own blankets and chose a comfortable sleeping position. "Goodnight Peter," I said as I was falling back to sleep "see you in a few hours." I heard him laugh softly at that. "Goodnight V," He said and I could hear the smile on his face as he said this, mirroring how my face looked "see you in a few hours too, sweet dreams." I smiled again sleepily and easily fell back asleep, knowing that in the morning life would taste just as sweet as it did at that moment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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