June 18th

150 11 0

Oh gosh I've forgotten to write about the past few days! Well they were fantastic. I've gotten permission to stay at Tom's for a few weeks. I look forward to-
"COME ON SCHO LETS GO DO SOMETHING IM BORED!" Tom jumped onto Will and threw his arms around him.
"Not now dear I'm writing"
Tom whined, "You're so boring! Let's watch a movie or make flower crowns or-"
"That was oddly specific but fine." Will interrupted, Tom released his tight grip on Scho's body and pulled away laughing. Why does his smile have to be so damn cute?

A sudden buzz rang from Tom's phone and he quickly looked at it and read the text
Sorry for the short notice but I just received word from the company that I need to go on a business trip, I'll be gone for a while so please make sure your brother doesn't burn down the house. Love, mom"

"What's it say"
"Turns out mother is gonna be on a business trip. And Joe is never home so you know what that means.." Tom's smile shifted into a sly grin.
"I assume we get the place to ourselves?"
"YES! IVE NEVER BEEN COMPLETELY HOME ALONE BEFORE AND ESPECIALLY NOT WITH A FRIEND!" He hopped off the bed and did some sort of strange dance of excitement. It was hilariously cringeworthy but Will still found himself blushing just by looking at him.
"What should we do first!?" He excitedly slammed his hands down on the bed, which made him bounce a little.
"Well first we need to fix your room"

The golden sunbeams marking the start of sundown poured through the blinds and created strands of amber glow on Tom's delicate face as he flopped onto his bed,
"Welp I gotta hand it to ya Scho, I can actually walk in here now."
"See?" Will retorted.
A few brief seconds of silence followed,
"Soooo we're here alone, what do you wanna do." Will awkwardly questioned as he sat down next to Tom.
"There's a lot of things we could do." Tom whispered as he placed his hand on Will's. Both of their deep blue eyes made contact. Tom's were lighter and glowed while Will's were darker and piercing. Tom scooted closer and closer before he reached his other hand out and gently rested on Scho's jaw. They both slowly leaned in then,
"HA you thought!" Tom laughed and playfully shoved Will away. Will could only describe his laugh as sweet like honey but was taken back by his hysterical laughter which could be compared to something like vodka. Will pouted slightly while Tom's hysterics filled the room. It felt like a hours but was only a few seconds before he calmed down and muttered,
"You know I'm just messing with ya, Scho."
"It's not funny."
"I'm hilarious and you know it"
Will rolled his eyes.
"You look so pretty, Scho." Tom's index finger traced over the same spots as it did last night. He wrapped his other arm around Will's shoulders and pulled him in. Will didn't return the affection,
"You're hungover or sleep deprived or something"
"Nope. I got great sleep last night and the Blake's could drink all the alcohol in the world and would never get hungover in the slightest. We don't even get that drunk!"
No response. He was so drunk last night he couldn't even remember his stumbling and rambling accompanied by raucous and hysterical laughter at nothing.
"You've got a gorgeous face you know? You've got a strong jaw, defined cheekbones and pretty eyes. I'm jealous, I look like a fetus." Tom began placing kisses on Will's neck, making them both blush a deep pink. Finally Will chuckled a bit,
"You may be high or something-"
Tom interrupts constantly, "Nope not high. Joe would kill me if I took his weed so it's definitely or something."
"Or something.. but you need to look at yourself. You say I've got pretty eyes but yours are so delicate. You're just.. soft I guess is the only word I could use."
Will shifted in Tom's grasp and caressed his cheek
"You're strangely perfect"
"We're so different is what I mean, I'm not sure how to describe it I'm not great with words.."
Tom shrugged. Will was finally feeling the mood and was about to smother the angel in front of him with kisses but he hopped off the bed and teased,
"What should we do now? Karaoke? Ooh we could steal some of Joe's vodka!"
"No no no. We are not getting drunk and when I say we I mean you."
Tom's face dropped to a pout and he gazed at Will with pitiful eyes. God, he HAS to have irresistible eyes doesn't he?
Will sighed heavily, "Ok maybe one or two shots but that's it! And the karaoke is all you, I don't sing."
Tom giggled and ran off to swipe some alcohol from Joe's room.

After all, Blake's never get drunk.

𝚆𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚜 (𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚞)Where stories live. Discover now