A Brutal Offensive

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A trap sprung! While invading the Separatist-controlled world of Jabiim, in an attempt to free the planet, the Jedi and their forces spread far and wide to eliminate the enemy! However, this was all a part of the Separatist's evil plot and now with their forces spread thin, many Republic teams and areas have been caught in the deadly trap!

As Obi-Wan's team staired off with Ventress's forces, the Jedi Master told the Separatist leader, "Ventress, my dear, the rain look doesn't work for you."

Anakin snidely added, "No look does."

Ventress sneered, "Enjoy yourselves while you can, JEDI!" She used the Force to jump at the five Jedi, who all leaped back as she landed in the mud. She instantly lunged at Obi-Wan ahead of her, swinging both her sabers on his left, with the Jedi Master sweeping his sword in his right hand to block the strikes. After breaking the hold, Obi-Wan brought his saber up and swung down at Ventress's left shoulder, but the Sith Assassin sidestepped to the right to dodge and then went to strike the Jedi in his left side with the saber in her right hand. Obi-Wan spun around and brought his sword over to block. While in their saber lock, Anakin came rushing in on Ventress's left, gripping his sword with both hands and going for a power strike on her, but she blocked with her left saber. She then used her right leg to kick Obi-Wan in the gut, knocking him back and rolling in the mud. Proceeding to break her hold with Anakin, she spun around to him and attempted to lung her right saber in his gut, but the young Jedi leaped back in time. Ashoka rushed in, past Anakin, and jumped into the air before attempting to bring her two Lightsabers down on Ventress. Ventress brought both her sabers up to intercept Ashoka's. The Padawan could only sneer as she landed in the mud, locked with Ventress. Adding more power to her attack, Ventress knocked Ahsoka back. Rushing in, she attempted to slice off the Jedi Padawan's head with a swing to the left side of her neck with both sabers. Fortunately, Ashoka ducked down to avoid the deadly attack. Growling, Ventress swung down with her right saber, only for Ashoka to bring her left greenish-yellow sword over to knock the attack away. Attempting to counterattack, she swung her right green saber at Ventress's left side, only for the Separatist to jump back with the Force. Getting up from her duck and being joined by Anakin, with the pair turning and nodding to each other, they rushed at Dooku's apprentice together, Anakin on her left and Ahsoka on the right. Anakin got to her first, rotating the sword in his right hand, before swinging it at Ventress's left leg. However, Ventress rotated her own left sword one hundred eighty degrees so it intercepted and knocked the attack back. Ahsoka then came in and attacked with her right saber, aiming for Ventress's right elbow, but a swift motion from the Speratist's right arm and her saber knocked the attack and Ashoka back. Holding out her left arm, Ventress Force Pushed Ahsoka back into the mud. Anakin then lunged at Ventress, using both hands to swing his sword upward and then down, adding more power to it. Crossing her blades together, Ventress managed to hold the attack back, but the force of it still forced her legs to bend down and sink closer into the mud. Angered by this, she furiously pushed up, so now her and Anakin's swords were pointing into the rain-filled sky. Thanks to the better footing, she swung her right leg up, hitting Anakin in the neck with it, while also slamming mud into his face, causing the Jedi to topple over into the mud. Ventress went for the kill, by swinging both her swords down at him, only for a combined Force Push from Ma'kis and Chen Ron to knock her away, landing back first in the mud. The two Jedi then charged at her, as she recovered and prepared for the attack. Anakin also managed to get out of the mud, joined on his left by Ashoka and his right Obi-Wan. Unfortunately, when the trio attempted to get back in the fight, a squad of four Commando Droids and five B2 Super Battle Droids got in front of them and opened fire, forcing the three to deflect blaster bolts away and slightly back up.

Over by Rex, Cody, and the rest of the Clones, were under fire from the Droids, with an AT-AT firing at a squad of Droids and Hailfire Droids, annihilating them. Then a Hailfire Droid fired a missile right at the face of the AT-AT, destroying it. More missiles filled the rain-covered skies, fired from the Hailfire Droids, which took out two AT-TEs, the Clones near them, and three squads of Clones spread out on the battlefield, as well as five Loyalists. Rex, Fives, Echo, Jesse, Hardcase, and nine other 501st Clones took cover behind one of the down AT-ETs, with Rex, Echo, and three other Clones popping out on the right and started shooting at the Droids. One B2 took several hits from Rex's blasters before falling, as Echo killed a Commando with a headshot, and the three other Clones shot at two more Commandos. Both were shot in the chest, with two Clones firing at the Commando on the right killing it. However, the Commando on the left took the shot to the chest fired by the other Clone and kept firing, killing the Clone with three shots to the chest. More B2s and Commandos joined the Droid, with a B2 gunning down another Clone, forcing Rex, Echo, and the other Clone to jump back behind the AT-TE to avoid more shots.

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