Chapter 6: The League of Villains

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Sachi's log, entry 4: The Author's in quarantine so I'm safe, at least for a bit. Well, that's what I initially thought, until I was attacked by a bunch of crooks and thugs that were sent by him. Currently, I'm writing this in the restroom of a Walmart because the number of men that are being sent after me keeps on increasing and my house was somehow discovered.

Well, at least he's just sending crooks and thugs my way. It's not like he's...

*Cuts to Author*

...Assembled the ultimate task force made up of some of the strongest anime antagonists out there.

Izuku: Why am I here?

To give me the final tally of who decided to show up.

Izuku: Well, if you want the exact numbers, only 6 out of 20 showed up.


Izuku: Don't worry! Of the 6, we have Aizen, Acnologia, Esdeath, Madara, Frieza and Peter!

Who's peter?

Peter: I just saw the flyer and had nothing better to do.

Well, do you have any special skills? Any sort of powers?

Peter: I can make REALLY good marshmallow squares.

You're hired!

Two groups chattered under the light of a dark warehouse. On one end was a young boy who's face was hidden by a facemask with an upside down smile, while wearing a modified All Might hoodie who's been spray painted into black and red, while on the other end was a group of hardened, seasoned thugs, ready to take on any heroes by any means necessary. As their business talk came to a close, the boy pulled out a briefcase, filled with high grade weapons.

"Here, the vault breakers, like you asked. Now, the payment." Said the boy.

The leader, a man nearly 15 feet tall, picked up the gear, inspecting it. He smiled.

"I'm not gonna lie, these gears are impressive." Said the villain, "But here's the thing. You see, the whole reason why we're doing this robbery is because we're short on cash. So we won't be able to pay you just yet. However, there's only 1 of you and 9 of us, so it's not like you have the say in the deal to begin with."

"Implying?" Asked the boy.

"That's we won't pay you a dime! Ahahaha!" Laughed the leader, as the rest of his goons laughed with him.

"I figured as much." Said the boy, walking off, "Deal with them."

Suddenly, two shadows zoomed by the group, as 4 of the 9 villains collapsed with their necks slit. In shock, the rest banded together.

"What the heck was that?!" Exclaimed the leader.

Suddenly, what sounded like gunshots rang throughout the warehouse, as one of the villain were riddled with holes.

"He had backup! That bastard! After him!" Yelled the leader, as he and his last two partners charged at Izuku.

Just then, a lanky man emerged from the shadows between the two group, extending his palms at the group. Suddenly, a blast of blue flames erupted from his palm. The villains tried to run, but found themselves stuck together from whatever reason. As the room lit up briefly, the last thing the villain leader saw were all the men who were seemingly working for that boy, casually sitting on nearby furniture and boxes, before the flames engulfed what was left of his group. As the flames cremated his flesh, he remembered one last warning that the man who recommended the vendor to him told him prior to these events.

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