Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Okay so before anyone thinks that I have anger issues and get mad all the time, I do not. I just get irritated easily so from the argument - well slight argument with my sister to now with this jerk still holding on to my arm I am getting irritated meaning I am moody.

Now back to this idiot holding my arm.
"Okay I told you my name now Let go!" I said forcefully. He just looks at me and smiles. I mean his smile is amazingly bright and his teeth are perfect but he is annoying the hell out of me right now.
"You live on this floor?"
"No I just randomly came out of my dorm room to find you splattered across the floor!" I growled.
"Splattered?" He laughs "I was not splattered, I fell on my face and it hurt". He stopped laughing to put his free hand to his face. I take the opportunity to tease him and be the Jerk myself.
"Aww is wittle baby hurt from falling down the stairs and interrupting my peace and quiet". He glares at me and I can't hold back my laughter trying to spurt out the word sorry between laughs.
"Shut up" he says whilst forcefully pushing my arm down out of his grip. I stop laughing and stare at him. I hurt his feelings? He looks quite sad or at least disappointed.
"Who even are you anyway?" I've only just realised that I've never seen him before and I've been here for 2 years.
"Liam. I told you that dumbass". Alright geez someone is moody. "I'm not moody I'm stating a fact". Wait what did I say that out loud? Wow. Did not even realise.
"Right okay. Cool. Bye then" I don't wave I just turn around and walk to my door only to get stopped before stepping in by his voice.
"My name is Liam Smith. I live nearby but my sister is in the dorms here so I had to come see her then she threw me out". Why is he telling me this?
"Okayyyy. Cool. Nice to know. I guess". I shrugged and then walked into my room locking the door behind me. That was a weird encounter. First he's sweet then a dick. Then an aggressive dick and now he was just sharing feelings with me. God I don't even share my own feelings with myself let alone have his on my mind as well. I roll my eyes before I check the time and decide to go for a run. To the pizza place down the road.


I ran to Dominoes, yes ran. I said I would and I did. Luckily I got inside before rain started to pour against the window of the take away. I groaned at the sight as I knew I would have to walk back in it which would most likely danage my pizza, my precious precious pizza!
I walked up to the counter, told the man my name and made my order - nothing special - just a large meat feast with a side of potato wedges because they are to die for! I paid for the food and stood in the corner whilst checking my phone, only when the door swung open did I look up and to my surprise I saw my best friend from home!
"Omg Blakey" I squealed, so happy.
"What are you doing here?" He asked just as surprised as I was.
"Getting Pizza obviously. My dorm is just down there" I pointed towards the direction of my dorms.
"Wow. I didn't know you went to this Uni" he said looking quite uncomfortable.
The thing about mine and Blakes relationship is that we were best friends since we were about 4 and we stayed that way until High School where he joined off with the 'lads' and I stayed with different groups. We still spoke but not really and then he started dating my girl Bestfriend, sorry ex bestfriend. She always had a problem with me or our friendship and we fell out several times but after they dated - broke up - dated. It got complicated and I sided with him. But its always been quite awkward since then and I don't know how to fix it.
"Yeah 2 years I've been here now" I answered casually. 
"Wow" he paused while he made his order. Pineapple and ham. Somethings never change.  "I just moved round here with some mates I met last year"
"Cool". Awkward Silence. "We haven't spoken in ages. Whats been happening?"
"Um, not much. Listen why don't you come back to mine and we can talk properly. I can drive you back to the dorms after". I hesitated because he said he moved in with his mates but nodded just as my name got called for my pizza. I collected it and turned back to him.
"Sure". We waited for his pizza then left towards his car.


I stepped into his apartment and I was in awe. It was big. Really big. He saw my shocked face and laughed.
"Its not mine. I just pay rent to my roommates dad. Who owns the place". I nodded because I still couldn't quite believe it. "Oh and if you meet him, my roommate. Don't mention his father. Its a sensitive subject".
"Okay" I said taking my shoes off so I didn't ruin the flooring which looked pretty expensive. Who was his roommate?
Just then I heard a slightly familiar voice talking behind me.
"Yo Blake. Wheres the pizza?" He stopped and then continued "oh even better you brought a girl as well" as I whipped my head around to glare at him Blake stepped in.
"Don't even go there. This is my best friend. Evie". And then he remembers. Like the jerk he is and scoffs.
"Oh, its you again" he rolls his eyes with me mirroring his expression. Blake looked confused.
"Do you guys know each other?" I nodded before speaking.
"Yeah. He fell down the stairs in my dorm building and made a loud crash, then proceeded to grab my arm and demand my name" something in Blake changed. He looked angry?
"Which arm?" Oh. Oh dear. "Which arm Evie?" You see I mentions scars earlier and the only person who knows about them and why they happened is Blake and he got angry whenever anyone touched that arm incase I got hurt. Something about how he has to be a 'protective best friend' or something.
"Calm down Blake. Its no big deal". He treats it like it is and he starts towards Liam. I had to hold him back.
"Don't go near her Liam!" He shouts. "And don't touch her fucking arm again or grab it however you did. You could have hurt her or opened up her sca" I had to stop him.
"Hey. Blakey. Stop. Please stop" I pleaded with my eyes.
"Fine. Come on" he takes my hand and pulls me into the direction of his bedroom I presume. I look back at Liam and he looks kind of, worried? Confused? I don't know.


There's the second chapter done! A little hint about something that has happened in her past and the awkward protective best friend comes out. In the next chapter it will be explained why he was awkward and why he acted like that towards Liam.

Hope anyone reading enjoyed it.
Until Next Time.
Ellie! Xx

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