Chapter Two

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On the eve of her 18th birthday,Anna,who sees the lanterns each year on her birthday,asks to leave the tower and discover their source.Gothel refuses,claiming the outside world is a dangerous place.Meanwhile,a thief named Kristoff takes the crown from the palace before ditching the Stabbington Brothers,his comradescomrades while running from the castle guards.He finds Anna's tower but is knocked out by a frying pan and hidden by Rapunzel.Gothel returns,and Anna tried to explain to her how she can handle herself in the "dangerous"outside world because she won her fight with Kristoff,but Gothel tells Anna that she's not leaving the tower,ever.Anna sends Gothel away to buy her paints and hides the crown,and convinces a reluctant Kristoff to take her to see the floating lanterns on her birthday.She promises that she'll give him the crown of he obilges.Eager to reclaim the crown,Kristoff takes Anna to the Snuggly Duckling,a pub filled with menacing thugs,in an effort to discourage her into returning home,but instead,the thugs are charmed by Anna when she encourages them to follow their dreams.Meanwhile,Gothel,after discovering Kjekk,a relentless palace horse who is determined to bring Kristoff to justice,near the tower,returns to the tower in fear that his rider might have found Anna.She discovers Anna missing and Kristoff's satchel,in which she decides to go after the two herself.Royal soldiers led by one of the royal army's horses,Kjekk,arrive in search of Kristoff.Anna and Kristoff escape hut are then trapped in a flooding cave.Resigned to his fate.Kristoff reveals his real name:Kristoff Fitzherbert.Anna remembers that her hair glows when she sings and and uses it to provide enough light to find a way out of the cave.Kristoff and Anna take refuge in a forest where Gothel,now in league with the Stabbingtons,give the crown to Anna and suggests using it to test Kristoff's faithfulness.

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