Don't Lose Your Head

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"Next is Anne's song, Don't Lose Your Head" Parr queued up the song. Boleyn laughed "What you're about to hear is the best song that has ever been written." Catherine rolled her eyes "Well, you gave mine a shot so we'll see." Parr pressed play on the song.

[Anne Boleyn:]
Grew up in the French court
Oui oui bonjour

"Nice display of French" Jane said

Life was a chore

She set sail

[Anne Boleyn:]
1522 came straight to the UK
All the British dudes lame

Cleves laughed "The dudes here aren't too interesting"

Epic fail!

[Anne Boleyn:]
I wanna dance and sing

"Seems like you've done that already" Parr commented.


[Anne Boleyn:]
Not my thing

"What is your thing, Anne?" Aragon looked ar her. Anne shrugged "Not politics?"


[Anne Boleyn:]
But then I met the king
And soon my daddy said
"You should try and get ahead!"

"You had a head until someone decided to chop it off," Kitty said touching her choker.

He wanted me, obviously
Messaging me like every day
Couldn't be better then he sent me a letter
And who am I kidding
I was prêt à manger


[Anne Boleyn:]
Sent a reply


[Anne Boleyn:]
Just saying 'Hi'

"I think you said more than Hi, Anne," Aragon said.


[Anne Boleyn:]
'You're a nice guy
I'll think about it maybe
XO baby'

"Like I said, more than hi," Aragon laughed

Uh oh

[Anne Boleyn:]
Here we go

You sent him kisses

"Uh-oh is right," Jane said biting her lip

[Anne Boleyn:]
I didn't know I would move in with his missus


[Anne Boleyn:]
Get a life!

You're living with his wife

"Yeah Anne, you're living with his wife," Catherine said.

[Anne Boleyn:]
Like, what was I meant to do?
Sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said
I'm just trying to have some fun
Don't worry, don't worry
Don't lose your head
I didn't mean to hurt anyone

Kitty felt empathy for Anne, "We never mean to hurt anyone, it's not your fault." she said quietly hugging Anne.

LOL Say 'Oh, well!'
Or go to hell!
I'm sorry, not sorry about what I said
Don't lose your head

Three in the bed
And the little one said
"If you wanna be wed
Make up your mind!"
Her or me, chum
Don't wanna be some
Girl in a threesome
Are you blind?

"At least you had your priorities straight," Jane said. "As wrong as it seems making him choose was the right thing to do." 


[Anne Boleyn:]
Don't be bitter


[Anne Boleyn:]
'Cause I'm fitter


[Anne Boleyn:]
Why hasn't it hit her?
He doesn't wanna bang you
Somebody hang you

"Dang Anne, I didn't realize you were so savage," Anna said.

Uh oh

[Anne Boleyn:]
Here we go

Your comment went viral

[Anne Boleyn:]
I didn't really mean it
But rumors spiral

"Yeah they do, they spiral until they're out of control and you get all the blame for things you didn't do" Kitty whispered.

Wow Anne, way to make the country hate you!

Catherine knew the country hated Anne and how it was partially her fault. "I'm sorry" she whispered.

[Anne Boleyn:]
Mate, what was I meant to do?
Sorry, not sorry about what I said
I'm just trying to have some fun
Don't worry, don't worry
Don't lose your head
I didn't mean to hurt anyone
LOL Say 'Oh, well!'
Or go to hell!
I'm sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said
Don't lose your head

Tried to elope
But the Pope said 'Nope!'
Our only hope was Henry
He got a promotion
Caused a commotion
Set in motion the C of E

"Henry always has to get his way, even if he has to start a new religion to do it," Cathy said.

The rules

[Anne Boleyn:]
Were so outdated
Us two wanted to get X-rated

Jane covered Kitty's ears, just in case. "Jane, I assure you my song is fine for Kitty to hear if anything she's heard worse," Anne said. Jane took her hands off Kitty's ears but was ready to cover them again


[Anne Boleyn:]
Everybody chill
It's totes God's will

"I don't think it was Anne, I should know," Catherine said.

Henry's out every night on the town
Just sleeping around like "What the hell?"
If that's how it's gonna be
Maybe I'll flirt with a guy or three
Just to make him jel
Henry finds out and he goes mental
He screams and shouts like
So judgemental!
You damned witch
Mate, just shut up!
I wouldn't be such a b...
If you could get it up

 Cathy smiled "You go, Anne!"

Uh oh

[Anne Boleyn:]
Here we go

Is that what you said?

[Anne Boleyn:]
And now he's going 'round like
"Off with her head!"

Kitty started curling herself up into a ball.


[Anne Boleyn:]
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he means it

Seems it

[Anne Boleyn:]
What was I meant to do?

Kitty hugged Anne "You did everything just right"

What was she meant to do?

[Anne Boleyn:]
Like, what was I meant to do?

What was she meant to do?

[Anne Boleyn:]
No, but what was I meant to do?
Sorry, not sorry about what I said
I'm just trying to have some fun
Don't worry, don't worry
Don't lose your head
I didn't mean to hurt anyone
LOL Say 'Oh, well!'
Or go to hell!

Just go to hell!

[Anne Boleyn:]
Sorry, not sorry about what I said

Sorry, not sorry about what she said

[Anne Boleyn:]
Sorry, not sorry about what I said
Don't lose your head

Everyone clapped at the end of Anne's song. "For being about being beheaded the song had a nice upbeat chorus," Jane said.  Anne smiled, "I wanted it to be more lighthearted since it was about a sad event," Anne smiled slightly 

"As much as I'd hate to admit it, your song is really good Anne." Aragon said, "I liked it more than I thought I would." Anne smiled "I knew it would be better than yours" 

Kitty hugged Anne, "I loved your song, it was so fun but still conveyed the serious topic" Anne hugged her back "Thank you Kitty" she turned to the group "Thank you all"

Cathy smiled, "Well next is Jane's song, I hope you guys enjoy"

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