Haus of Holbein

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Cathy started setting up the queue for the next song. "So this song should be Anna's right?" Kitty asked. "Not really, it's our intermission song so the transition between Jane and Anna's songs isn't too jarring. This was heavily inspired by Anna though," Parr said. 

Anna nodded, "I helped her write this song, it was fun." Aragon looked at the song title, "Haus of Holbein, obviously you helped write it." Jane put a finger to her lips, "Shhh everyone, the song is about to start." 

Welcome to the house

Anne laughed, "Already with the heavy German accent."

To the Haus of Holbein
Ja, ooh ja, das ist gut
Ooh ja, ja
The Haus of Holbein

Aragon gasped, "Wait a minute, IS THIS THE SONG THAT YOU TOLD US WAS FOR A BLOOPER REEL." Cathy giggled, "Maybe..." Catherine looked annoyed, "I didn't think you would actually include it in the album." 

Hans Holbein goes around the world

Painting all of the beautiful girls

"Well I got a Holbein painting which proves that Henry was in fact wrong and I'm beautiful," Anna said.

From Spain

To France

And Germany

The king chooses one

"Or he chooses six, seeing how he married six of us," Seymour said. 

But which one will it be?

You bring the corsets

We'll bring the cinches

No one wants a waist over nine inches

Katherine shook her head. "I remember being forced into wearing corsets every day to appeal to boys, only for them to want to tear them off the minute they're alone with him," she whispered sadly.

So what, the makeup contains lead poison?

At least your complexion will bring all the boys in

Anna nodded, "I'm glad that when we were revived some of us were given different skin tones and that regardless of the color of our skin we're all still queens that get treated the same." All of the queens nodded in agreement. Cathy nodded, "Its honestly sad that our society back then praised women for hurting themselves and using poison just to get a lighter complexion."

Ignore the fear and you'll be fine
We'll turn this vier into a nine
So just say "ja" and don't say "nein"

'Cause now you're in the house

In the Haus of Holbein
Ja, ooh ja, das ist gut
Ooh ja, ja
The Haus of Holbein

Everyone laughed along to the chorus while Catherine of Aragon was sulking in the corner over the fact she was tricked into singing in a ridiculous tone.

We must make sure the princesses look great
When their time comes for a Holbein portrait

We know what all the best inventions are
To hold everything up

Ja, it's wunderbar

For blonder hair, then you just add a magical ingredient

From your bladder

Everyone scooted away from Jane who was the only one in that room with blonde hair. "What? My hair is naturally blonde, I don't actually do that to make it lighter," Jane said.

Try these heels, so high it's naughty

But we cannot guarantee that you'll still walk at forty

Anne nodded, "Those heels are hard to walk in, you're lucky if you can still walk at forty after wearing them for years."

Ignore the fear and you'll be fine
We'll turn this vier into a nine
So just say "ja" and don't say "nein"

'Cause now you're in the house

In the Haus of Holbein
Ooh ja, das ist gut
Ooh ja, ja
The Haus of Holbein

Everyone sang along to the final chorus while Catherine watched them silently judging.

"So what did you guys think of our transition song?" Cathy asked. "Well I'm kinda upset I was tricked into recording it but i guess it wasn't horrible," Aragon said. "Let's be honest Catherine, would you have recorded the song if Cathy didn't trick you into doing it?" Anne asked.

Catherine shrugged, "Probably not." Anne smiled, "Then it's a good thing she tricked you." Jane nodded, "It was fun thinking back to all the beauty trends of the day, as weird as they may have been." Kitty giggled, "It was fun doing the fake accent" Anna smiled, "I really like that song, maybe just as much as the song I recorded." Cathy walked over to where the song queue was, "Speaking of, are you ready to hear Anna's song next?" Everyone nodded excitedly and sat back on the couch as they waited for the next song.

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