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I woke up in the middle of the night. I heard a noise downstairs. I didn't want to wake Bode, so I quietly crept to the door. I can't go through things, so I had to open it. It creaked, and I hissed. I turned my head, and he shifted in his bed. I slipped out of the room and down the stairs. Someone was definitely here.

I swiftly made my way to the kitchen, stopping in the doorway. The Well Lady was in the kitchen, just sitting at the table. She wasn't doing anything, just sitting. She turned her head. I moved away from the doorway, backing towards the steps. She moved the chair back, and I could hear her footsteps getting closer. I hurried up the stairs, trying not to make too much noise. 

"[Name]? You okay?" I shut the door a little too heavily. Bode had woken up. 

"Well Lady. She's back," I said. He threw the covers away from his legs, quickly rushing to the door. He pressed his ear up against it, listening. But there was no sound.

"Sorry for waking you up," I said. He shrugged. 

"It's fine." We both crawled back to our selective spaces, me on the bench and him in his bed. I felt something under my pillow, on the very edge. Something I had not felt before. I waited for the quiet snores of Bode to sit up. The slight glow of my hand gave off enough light to see it. The item was a key, but not just any key, a key I knew. And I used. It was mine. 


It was morning now, and I slid out of the blanket. The key was still in my hand. I hated the fact tat I could touch objects but not people. They could only see me. I decided to talk to Well Lady. As much as she scared me, and as much as I hated the thought, I had to ask her for help. 

I slipped through the well house bars, stepping towards the Well Lady's home. At least I think it was her home.

"Well Lady? Are you here?" I asked. 

"Yes, [Name]." I sighed. 

"I have another favor to ask you. Sorry to disturb you, though." She hummed in response. "Well, is there a way to make me human again? I mean, I know I'm, well, a ghost, but there still has to be a way, right?" I asked. I was nervous for her response. Maybe she would reject or something. 

"Of course there is a way. And I can hear the anticipation in your voice," her voice echoed. "I'll make it easy for you. Once you feel a special zing, you will be human." I smiled. That shouldn't be too long, right? 

"What's the zing?" I asked. 

"I think you'll know." 

"Thank you, miss." And with that, I was out the gate.

"Where'd you go?" Bode asked when I walked back into the house. I stopped. So curious, this one. But I was fine with that. I just enjoyed having someone to talk to. 

"I went to Well Lady," I said. He widened his eyes, just a little bit. I saw is brown irises fully now, and I saw that they were pretty. Really pretty. I wonder what my eyes looked like. I mean, I don't know what color they are. 

"I wanted to know if I could ever be human again. Y'know, like you," I told him. Bode nodded.

"And, I gotta show you something." I pulled the key that I had found last night out of my pocket. "A key. But it's mine." I began to walk towards the steps and to my-his-room. He followed me closely, and stopped in the doorway.

"There is a box in here. Its about this big and wooden," I said, holding up my arms to show the size of the box. "I know it's here." With that, we began to search his room, under the bed, in the closet, and on the bookshelf. I bent down and looked under the bookshelf. And there it was. 

"I think I found it," I said, pulling it from the floor. Bode knelt down beside me and watched as I opened the box. The key made a satisfying click as I turned it. It popped open. I couldn't believe the contents. Inside were photos of me and my family. I took them all out, flipping through them. I was five in some of them, six in others, and seven in the rest. And after that, they disappear. Bode takes them as I set them on my floor. 

"You were really pretty," I hear him whisper. I hide my smile and look back in the box. On the bottom, or what I thought was the bottom, was a family photo. Me, my mom, my dad, and my two siblings. I took it out and examined it closely. Bode scooted over, just hovering above my left arm, to get a good look at the picture. I smiled again. 

"What's that?" He asked me. I looked to where he was pointing. In the box was a book. But not just any book, a journal. I let the photo slip from my grasp, fluttering to the floor, and picked up the journal. On the inside cover, it read [M-n] [L-n]. 

"My moms."

July 29
    I hate Keyhouse. It's a curse. I'm only here because I love the Lockes'. I want to move out. It would only benefit my family, especially [Name]. The youngest needs to stay innocent. I've been looking at other houses far away from this place for months now, going on three. I found a nice one in Oregon, and there's another good one in Washington. I want to be far, far away. I hope, when I tell them, that they will understand. Both mine and the Lockes'. 

My lip began to quiver. Was this true? She hated Keyouse? But how? It was big, beautiful, amazing, and full of mystery. I guess my mom wanted to live a normal life. I bet they're doing that right now. And maybe I've been replaced. By another little girl, named something similar to mine. Or different. Maybe there is no more [L-n] family. Maybe they're all dead like me. I miss them, I miss them all, but this one, the only entry, filled my head with thoughts I had never wanted to think about.

And I hadn't noticed it until I saw them on the paper, but I was crying. Tears were coming out of my eyes. And I let out a sob. A choked one. Is this what all those arguments were about? I shut my eyes tight after Bode had taken the notebook from my hands. He shut it after a moment later. Must've read the darn thing.

"I'm sorry."

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