Chapter 2

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Being curious, like little kids are, George and Alec went inside and found their uncle's most recent invention, the Futuroid. At the time, they thought it was just a simple camera, unknowing of what it could actually do. They also saw many pictures beside this camera. The pictures were of weddings, family photos, prom pictures, and many more, all dated in the future. Confused, the boys rushed the pictures to their uncle, looking to him for an answer. Gene, easily but quickly explained what they were. 

They’re pictures from the future,” he said excitedly. 
“What? How'd you do it?” Kennedy asked in astonishment. 
“Well it was easy, really,” he said as he reached for a set of blueprints. 
“I simply took a normal polaroid camera and…” As his uncle talked about how he made his device, George was enthralled in his uncle's invention. Thinking of all the possibilities how it could help people. It wasn't many things, but with the money made off the invention it could help many troubled people. 
Overjoyed, he asked his uncle, “Are you going to sell this, Uncle Gene?” 
"No, I don't think so," Gene replied. "I don't think the world is ready to handle it yet. Come on, I made some cookies for you, Alec, and your mom. "They headed back into the kitchen, and even while eating the delicious cookies his uncle had made, George couldn't stop thinking about how cool Gene's camera was. The invention stayed in the back of his mind the whole time he was at his uncle’s house, up until they left. Gene went to sleep soundly, happy he got to see his family, yet unknowing of what would happen to him the next day.

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