Holidays and Birthdays

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Since LeeLee didn't really have a birthday he got to celebrate with me on mine. My mom would make me a cake and give him a cupcake. She would tell us to make wishes and we blew out the candles. LeeLee didn't really know how to so I would sneak and do it for him. We got to open presents after we ate. My mom always got me some clothes and made matching outfits for him. Sometimes she would buy us things to make items for our adventures.
On Halloween we would dress up as samurais, ninjas, knights, and warriors. We didn't care as much for the candy as we did hunting the real ghosts, witches, and vampires. The candy just happened to become a bonus.
Christmas was always really fun. We got hot cocoa, cookies, presents and even got to meet Santa.
I didn't like playing in the snow because LeeLee was never allowed, but we always had fun inside. We would watch movies and stay warm watching the fireplace. My dad had to work a lot so he didn't watch movies with us but he was always home Christmas Day. I usually would open my presents and I got cool warrior suits for our adventures. LeeLee always got things to upgrade him in a stocking hung on the fireplace.
We were very simple when it came to getting things. Anything that would help us battle the evil creatures was good for us. What more could we really want.

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