Chapter 28: 99 Red Balloons

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"Right," Sam says shakily, fearfully. "That's Brent Valmont, the billionaire even Amelia's afraid of, and you're in his actual... lair!"

I hear a faint tapping, and when I look down, trying to be as subtle as possible, I see Janine tapping her outer thigh with her index finger.

Morse code.

'Runner Five, I have a plan,' She taps out. 'When I say run, run.'

I nod, ever so slightly, but it's enough for Valmont to notice. He gives the two of us a raised eyebrow and a curious smile. It reminds me of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, only more terrifying.

"Are you planning to escape?" He asks, sighing when neither of us answer. The sound isn't of annoyance, more of happiness, or even bliss. "That's exactly what I'd expect of you. I bet you've got an incredible plan, Janine. Course you do. You're an incredible woman. You need a nickname. Oh, I'll call you Brains. Five, I'm calling you Speedy Gonzales, because of the running."

I blink. "Uh... what?"

Valmont gasps, his eyes lighting up when he spots the headset peeking through my chef hat. "Sam! Is Sam on coms with you?"

"Mr. Valmont, would you like me to patch Sam Yao through the speakers with you?" A.N.N.I.E. asks.

"No, wait! Wait, wait. No, don't-" The speakers squeal as Sam's voice goes from my headset to the speakers. "Don't do... that." He sighs heavily. "Oh, you've done it, haven't you? This feels weird, like I'm naked. Can you all hear me?"

"Yes, we can, Mr. Yao," Janine answers, and I glare at the man in front of us.

"What exactly do you want with us, Brent?" I ask, still in my defensive stance.

"Oh, glad to know we're on a first-name basis, legs." He shoves his hands into his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. "Listen, I could turn you over to Sigrid now for your various crimes-trespassing, stealing, impersonating a chef. I'm sure at least one of those carries the death penalty in her grave new world."

I tip my head to the side, my hands dropping to my sides. "Could? Does that mean you're not going to?"

"No! Never would I do that to you, Speedy Gonzales. Never. And I mean, obviously, I could just tell A.N.N.I.E. to kill you here and now, and no one would be the wiser."

I cringe, knowing that at least one function or part or subroutine or whatever it is in A.N.N.I.E. that hates me would enjoy killing me.

"Would you like me to fill the chamber with deadly neurotoxin now, Mr. Valmont?" A.N.N.I.E. asks.

"Belay that order, A.N.N.I.E."

"So you're not going to do that either?" Sam asks, sounding equally relieved and confused. "What is it you want?"

Valmont sighs, taking his hands from his pockets. "Look, just come with me. I've got something to show you, and it can't wait. Come on. Run!"

He takes off, and Janine and I reluctantly follow. I know we could always try to escape. I think of doing so as soon as we leave the office, but A.N.N.I.E. literally runs every aspect of this house, and while she is apparently helping Janine, her top priority is to serve Valmont, meaning she'd tell him exactly where we are and would kill us within one simple command.

So it's follow this odd, dangerous billionaire, or risk facing his wrath and his deadly AI system.

Valmont leads us down the different hallways, not caring about the staff members who give him odd looks as he runs by them. There are several twists and turns, and I find myself feeling dizzy from just how twisty and confusing this place can be. It all looks so similar-the hallway walls are painted this pastel green shade, with bright white molding at the tops of the ceilings, and the shiny hardwood floors sparkling as the lights shine on them.

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