Story Questions, Facts and Next Book Details

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Hello, everyone! This is the post chapter of the story to give you guys a little bit more details about the next book in the series, while also giving some facts that may have been forgotten or are just extra things to make you think about the characters. I'll also have some questions for you guys just to see what you think about certain elements about the stories.

Starting with the next book. Book 7 is going to be called To Be A Warrior. I am still working out the details, but it should have around the same chapters of this book, kind of like how this book had around the same chapters as the book before it. There's going to be a lot of action and thrill, and the return of some of our favorite (and not-so-favorite) characters. I'll post a chapter on this book to notify you when the first chapter of To Be A Warrior has been posted.

Now to the questions! These can help me figure out what I need to do to help keep you guys interested, since that's what these books are for, after all.

1. Out of all the characters in this book, which one was most interesting? Which was least interesting?

2. Which characters do you as the reader relate to the most?

3. What chapters (if you can't remember the number, just state what happened in them) made you feel the most excited/worried/happy? Which story bits made you feel the most emotion?

4. Out of all the books in this series, which do you think was the most captivating? Least captivating?

5. If I were to be able to write a few short stories to give you more insight on some of Five's doppelgängers and their lives before they died (such as Cameron, who was in the European Rescue Force with Jaime, or Chorus, who worked with Janine in the beginning of the apocalypse) would you be interested in reading them?

That's all the questions I have for you, and now, just to give you guys a little bit more entertainment, the random facts about the characters.

1. A good portion of Five's childhood trauma is inspired by what happened to me as a child-such as nearly getting hit by a train or being kidnapped.

2. Five still had a guilt complex, but she has made extreme progress from the beginning of the series (such as not blaming herself for Veronica's choice to do the personality transfer).

3. Milo has been through a lot. His biological mother abandoned him and his siblings. His twin brother hit his head and became mentally disabled, then died. Two years later his sister was shot in the head, then he had to watch his adoptive mother get bitten and "turn", and the girl he had a crush on destroyed her own brain to become an AI. He's been through a lot.

4. Sam doesn't mind wearing glasses. He just acts like he does to mess with Five.

5. Adora now calls Sam "Dada" because of being around Sarah so much.

6. Five doesn't appreciate it, mostly because she was forced to take Adora as hers, and now she sees it that she should be Adora's only parent.

7. She's getting used to it and accepting it though. Slowly but surely.

8. After finding out that his sister was alive, Sam asked every woman from the baby factory if they might have seen her or knew where she was.

9. Five's tried asking him about her, but he get emotional when he tries to talk about it or his family. Five usually just drops it because she doesn't like making him sad.

10. New Canton and Abel have taken in the babies who weren't claimed by any of the mothers. Five stays away from the nurseries because she knows she'll get attached.

11. A lot of the babies require extensive care because of the amount of time they were given pain medications in order to not feel that they being tested on.

12. A lot of the mothers require counseling and therapy because of what Sigrid made them do and what they saw happen to their babies.

13. Sam and Five definitely celebrate the one month anniversary of being married.

14. Peter definitely makes fun of them for it.

15. Peter worries Five.

16. Nadia cried when she heard what happened to Veronica.

17. Sam has a list of names written down for future kids. Five is not amused.

18. Five still has nightmares about the Catherine, the Original, but they're slowly becoming less violent.

19. Five has no idea how Catherine knew about all this when none of the other doppelgängers did, since the hive mind was never created.


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