Chapter 7: Back to Action! Yea! Not.

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  • Dedicated to My Best friend Lexi

After that romantic plane flight I had completely forgotten about Macy and Jared. But I was about to be reminded!

As we lugged our luggage (Ahh the irony!) to our hotel we complained, laughed, and talked (a lot). The hotel was not what I was expecting. Not in a bad way though, it was white marble with gold trim. The doors were spotless glass and the windows looked like thin,clear ice. We all must have been standing there with our mouths hanging wide open like some weirdos who weren't staying there because Alex cleared his throught and raised his eyebrows at us.

We all shook off our surprise and made our way into the hotel.

"We have a reservation for Alister," Uncle Alex announces confidently. In respond the clerk looks at him quizically. Alex remembering that we are in France repeats the phrase in French,"Nous avons une réservation pour Alister."

This time the clerk understood. Nodding he handed us the key to our room. "Bon séjour à Paris!" he says cheerily. We all glance at each other not knowing how to reply because we didn't know what he said!

"Danke!" Ella says confidently.

The clerk tilts his head. As we walk to the elevator I whisper to Ella,"That's german."

"What?" she asks.

" 'Danke' is german for thank you."


When we get to the TOP floor we rush to our room. As soon as Uncle Alex unlocks the door we all fall into the room.

"Ahhh! We are now officially in Paris!" Abby sighs.

"I thought we were officially in Paris when we crossed the border!" Ella challenges.

"Shut up!" Abby says indignantly.

"You shut up!" Ella spits back.

"Your a freak!" Abby retorts.

"Will you both please shut up!" I command playing referee.

Ella hangs her head but Abby still has hers held high ready to spit flame. I had forgotten that Uncle Alex was there until he cleared his throat.,"Girls, please listen." Now that he has our attention he tells us the bad news.

"Britt you, Abby, and Ella will share a room."

What! Hadn't he just heard what had happened?! Ella and Abby should not share a room unless he wants them both dead by the end of this trip!

Abby stares at him in clear shock. Ella on the other hand looks like she wants to decapitate him.

"And that decision is final," he states making this trip much worse.

"Whatever," I say,"we'll make the best of it."

Ella nods even though I can tell she doesn't agree. We trudge into the bedroom dreading the next how ever many weeks we are going to stay.

I gasp, on one of the three beds there is a box laying on it. It's not that big but it is fairly sized. On it is a letter. I pick it up and begin to read it, "Darling, if you are here reading this you are in great danger. We presume Uncle Alex had you bring along three friends. If he did they will help you greatly. We don't have a long time to write this but we will explain what you need to do. First you need to be safe if you are not safe you can not complete this mission. Second you need a clue, so here is your first clue: "Dangerous if you are daring. Romantic if you are a lover. Safe if you are a listener."

So that is the clue be safe our dear.

~E & J

I stare at the letter. Who are those people? Why are they helping me?

"Um remember the package?" Ella prompts.

"Oh yea," I pull open the card board flap and look inside. A picture. There is a picture. I pull it out and look at it, the picture contains four teenagers. Each one of them grinning with excitement. They all hold up diplomas.

Suddenly it hits me like a elephant who ate to much (a ton of bricks is to over used). I shake my head and look again. They are still there grinning like fools. Macy and Jared

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