Chapter 26

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This chapter is pretty... Intense? I don't know how to explain it but there's alcohol and drunk teens so yeah.....

"we had many pranks planned out for you guys! Where'd you go?" Sagittarius asked Virgo, pisces, cancer and Taurus.
They looked at each other before Taurus spoke up for the rest.
"we went out to get dinner...." they shrugged as if it wasnt that big of a deal.

"the pranks are still out there so I don't know what your laughing at Pisces," aries said. She was moody at the moment because of her purple skin.

Pisces stopped laughing and continued eating his waffles.

The signs had to keep their eyes on the plate in order to not burst out laughing from the sight of the colorful zodiacs.

" tell us scorpy! Do you like your new bedroom?" Aquarius smirked. Sure, they had painted them temporarily but it would take longer for his room to go back to itself and it would involve Scorpio's help.

"meh, you should keep it! It matches your skin color!" he said in a mocking tone, referring to her pink skin.

Aquarius glared at him, "do you really like it?" she asked dumbfounded.
"nope. I'm giving you five seconds to run," he said seriously.

Aquarius stayed in her seat, unaffected by his words.
When the seconds were up Scorpio got up from his seat. Aquarius eyes widened before getting up as well.

The signs didn't see her run, in fact, they didn't see her at all.

"what the hell?" Scorpio muttered as he looked around wondering where she had wondered off to.

Then the Zodiacs heard a giggle.
They turned to look to the same spot where Aquarius sat.

"looks like I found my power!" she said as color slowly came back to her body.

"OK what? So everyone has powers? How?" Capricorn asked.

"I asked genie to give the twelve of us powers," libra explained.

"so me too?" he asked. They nodded.

Scorpio turned to leo with a smirk on his face. Leo eyes widened in fear even if Scorpio didn't know what he was doing.
Seeing as his power required more than mental orders, he raised his hand.
An icy blue smoke came out of his hand before it morphed into a snow ball. Immediately, he threw it at Leo's face.

Scorpio'S pov
Leo's overdramatic ass fell. He fell with the chair on top of him.

Everyone was laughing, including Aries who seemed to forget about her purple skin.

"I just saw smurf get hit in the face with snow," Pisces said slowly. He looked kinda traumatized.

"when is this coming off?" Gemini whined. It was weird seeing a big, strong guy(I'm bigger and stronger though) like Gemini whining, but that's how he is.

Libra and Capricorn stared at me for the answer. I don't know why because I didn't make the paint nor did I read the warning text.
Plus libra was there with me! Oh libra.

"I dont know but it was cheap. Just get a proper bath and you'll see?" I shrugged.

"it's not like you haven't worn green on your skin before..." I added. Gemini glared at me. How scary.

Two hours later the five colorful zodiacs were back to their usual selves, unfortunately.
We made sure to take pictures of them don't worry.

We were all in the living room doing nothing. It was extremely hot and the pathetic fan above us didn't help.
"doesnt this place have a pool?" Taurus asked. Everyone got up from the ur position and stared at Taurus with wide eyes.
"you're a genius!" Sagittarius said to him.
"I am? I mean yeah I am...." he chuckled.

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