Preface / The First Petal

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A/N: Hey, all! I'm back! And with a new book!

I've had this idea in my head for a while now. I thought Hanahaki would be perfect for this fic, considering there will be angst. Lots of angst.

As a preface, I want to say that this will be short. It'll be much shorter than my last fic, and may only be about 20k - 25k words. So, technically, this isn't a novel. That's because the novel I will be writing after this will be my own original work (probably, still not totally sure).

But I also want to say that although I do ship IzuOcha, I kind of see their love as... one-sided. I think Izuku loves Ochako as a friend and respects her, but I don't think he's in love with her like she is with him. We just haven't seen him think about it yet, and he continuously refers to her as "a girl" instead of "Uraraka Ochako." This is why I'm even letting Ochako get Hanahaki in the first place. After all, it can only be caused by unrequited love. There is more about this online, so I won't bore you with my reasoning, but I just wanted to let you all know.

Anyway, enjoy this first chapter. I think it's alright. I'm happy with it except for the wording in some places. Hope you guys like! Reviews are always welcome. <3


He showed up in her dreams buck naked.

Ochako, stunned into silence, stymied her squeals. Her bed barely had enough room for one, so, when he, without wind of a warning, climbed on top of it and, in consequence, on top of her, she seriously had to wonder how the hell it suddenly had room for two.

Her imagination was running wild.

Ochako only immediately knew it was a dream because the reality of it all was that Izuku would never do this. Never touch her like this, never be so unapologetically bold. And, in that way, it didn't feel real.

But she would revel in it while it did.

His hands were rugged, but his touch was soft. They exchanged no words, as if this was nothing new to them, when on the inside Ochako was panicking. She'd never had a dream like this before! But despite it, she let it all go to the back of her mind, face flushed and heart hammering wildly in and out of her chest.

Huh. She looked down at herself and realized she was undressed, too. Who knew?

He kissed her and ran his hands over her hips and did unholy things to her, unspeakable things. It was when he began to leave hickeys along the nape of her neck and the lobe of her left ear that she suddenly, finally, heard the faintest voice from beyond her fantasy calling her name.


That wasn't Izuku.


It was somebody else. Tsuyu.

She sat up, opened her eyes, the feeling of another human being down on top of her, kissing her, doting on her still fresh in her mind, and broke out into a cold sweat. She held her head in her hands, her cheeks rosy red.

"Ochako, you in there, ribbit? You've gotta get ready for school."

And it was then that she totally freaked.

She sighed, screeched, scratched frantically at her face in frustration. So much for keeping her feelings at bay.

Still understandably shaken up, she checked the time. She had forty minutes until class.

She remembered Tsuyu, standing outside her door waiting for an answer. "Yeah, Tsu, I'm here. Be out in a bit!"

Tsuyu said, "Okay."

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