The Fourth Petal

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A/N: Alright, everyone, here we go with the fourth chapter. There won't be a ton of action, as this chapter is more character and theme-based, but the next one will be much, much longer and more entertaining. I can promise you guys that, and I can promise you definitely won't want to miss it. Although, it might take me a while, as next week, despite quarantine, will be incredibly busy for me, so it will be hard to find the time. It might take me two weeks if I want it to be high-quality, actually. Anyway, just enjoy this chapter! Sorry it's shorter than most! Oh, and thank you for the votes and comments!


Izuku gritted his teeth.

"C'mon, Young Midoriya! You should have thirty percent mastered by now!"

Izuku sat back down, took a swig of his water by the base of a tree. He was so close to getting a grip on this step of One For All, yet what was throwing him off was using Black Whip in tandem with his already hard-to-control original Quirk. It was difficult using two Quirks at once.

He looked All Might up and down, still huffing and puffing. Under his breath, he muttered, "Yes, All Might. I'll do better." He needed to get a handle on his sluggish steps and stiff strides and ragged breathing before the sun went down and it was too late.

All Might sighed, put his head in his hands. He looked out over the scene—the hidden facets of U.A.'s campus, splintered bark and broken boulders a sign of the sheer intensity of Izuku's training. As of right now, they had gotten nearly nowhere. Izuku was improving, but at an incredibly slow rate.

"It's okay, kid," All Might said. "This is a lot on you. Are you sure you're doing okay? Getting enough sleep?"

Oh, All Might didn't even know the half of it.

"Yes," Izuku stuttered. "Just stressed out, is all."

All Might pondered his doubts. "Are you sure? My boy, you can tell me anything. I'm getting the feeling there's something more to this, like you're being weighed down by something."

Izuku shook his head. He had to keep quiet—for Ochako's sake. "Nothing. Just... friend drama, is all." Suddenly, as if a burst of energy had shot through his veins, Izuku stood up, a slight shake in his knees as he forced a fake smile. "Let's get back to training, All Might! I know I can make you proud!"

All Might definitely didn't believe the boy, but he took his word for it. He needed to get him stronger, anyway. For the world's sake.

And so they trained and trained and trained until they were completely enveloped by a plethora of pink skies and cotton-candy-colored clouds, and finally, favorably, he began to show some signs—some signs of progress—and All Might had to hold back his forever glee. He did notice that even during Izuku's proudest moments, he still seemed stoic, eyes jittering and shoulders slumping and mouth muttering. It wasn't like him at all.

And so he let him go. He let him go an hour early, let him go hang out with his friends, let him go do whatever teenagers did these days that brought them immense jubilation. And, as Izuku walked away, he couldn't help but look back, and in the back of his mind think, What's eating you up so much, my boy?

As soon as he stepped through those dorm doors, Izuku immediately made his way to Ochako. She had stayed in the common area, face mask on, and looked at him with the utmost shock in her eyes upon seeing him standing there. Despite her being on the brink of death, he had not made much time for her this past week.

She shook her head. She knew it wasn't his fault. It seemed he was wanted for training. He'd told her he couldn't go into the specifics, but it was irrefutable and anything but mundane.

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