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《Author Note: This is the original one-shot that inspired me to expand on their story, so I dont have the heart to delete it! But chapter one is posted now! Enjoy! ♡》

Tommy helped half-conscious Poppy peel off his bloodstained sweater and nearly choked on the package of gauze he held in his teeth. A military man, Tommy wasn't easily flustered, but under the many sweaters of the proper professor, he never expected to see the chiseled body of a god.

"Mmm...cold..." drowsy Poppy murmured from the wide couch he was lying on in Tommy's condo.

"I know," Tommy muttered, tearing the gauze open. "Let me take care of this first."
He was relieved the bullet wound was just a graze and nothing he couldn't handle. He couldn't believe Poppy had been so stupid!

Tommy told him he would go alone to the sting where he was supposed to get the vital information they needed to shut down corrupt ZaintSee Corporation, but the criminology professor had found out it was an ambush and got there just in time: just in time to shove Tommy out of the way of the bullet.

The professor, who had become Tommy's closest companion since he returned from active duty, had taken the bullet that was meant for him. There was only one other person in Tommy's life who would have taken a bullet for him; who DID take a bullet for him, but unfortunately Jimmy wasn't so lucky.

Tommy closed his eyes to hold back the tears as he thought about his best friend and soulmate, killed in the line of duty, also saving Tommy from an ambush. Poppy sort of reminded him of Jimmy. Not physically; Jimmy was more tall and lanky. But there was a kindness in Poppy's eyes that exposed the same selflessness that Jimmy had.

Tommy almost lost it seeing Poppy lying there on the ground, his sweater covered in blood. He had panicked, having flashbacks to when he lost Jimmy. Tommy didn't think he could handle it if he lost someone else he loved.

Tommy realized the truth when he was afraid he would never see Poppy's eyes or hear his stupid jokes again. Poppy always made Tommy laugh, something he hadn't done since coming home. He wasn't afraid of calling Tommy out for being an ass, which was quite often. Poppy also knew when Tommy needed his space and would leave him alone when he wanted it. Now, after what happened out there, Tommy never wanted Poppy to leave him alone again.

He was comforted by the fact that Poppy had been conscious and making coherent decisions, like not wanting to go to the hospital, even though Tommy didn't agree with it. Poppy had more faith in Tommy's combat medic skills than Tommy did.
But now that the morphine shot Tommy gave him had kicked in and the adrenaline had worn off, Poppy was close to sleep on Tommy's couch.

Tommy shook his head to clear his mind and focused on the important task at hand. He tried not to think about Poppy's sculpted body as he leaned across his torso to clean up the dried blood around his wound. It wouldn't need stitches, which was good, so he just had to clean and dress it.

Pouring some alcohol on a gauze pad from the package, Tommy cleaned the gash on Poppy's abdomen but he jumped as a hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"Ai, sat! Oi, that burns!" Poppy was fully awake now and grimacing at the pain from the alcohol.

"I'm sorry, but I have to get this cleaned, okay?" Tommy said gently and Poppy loosened his grip on Tommy's wrist so he could resume. Poppy winced and Tommy leaned his face close to blow on the wound to ease the burn. He felt Poppy shiver beneath him and looked up to see Poppy watching him intensely, still holding Tommy's wrist. Their eyes locked and they held their gazes for a moment, neither daring to look away. After what seemed like ages, Tommy finally cleared his throat and pulled his hand away.

"All clean. Now I just need to bandage it." Tommy gave a tight-lipped smile and Poppy reached up and gently poked one of his dimples, which made Tommy smile even wider.

"Behave, you," Tommy laughed, reaching for a clean piece of gauze and the medical tape. He squeezed some ointment on the gauze, positioned it over Poppy's wound and taped it down.

"There. Feel any better?"

Poppy took Tommy by the wrist again and it made Tommy worry. "Does it still burn? The ointment should help numb the pain."

"No, I just wanted to hold your hand," Poppy smiled mischievously and Tommy rolled his eyes.

Tommy looked down at their intertwined fingers. "Promise me you won't ever do something that stupid again, okay?" he said, barely above a whisper. "I don't know if I could handle it if you..." he didn't even want to finish the sentence. Tears threatened to spill over again.

"Then you're not allowed to do stupid stuff either," Poppy said.

"But it's my job. I protect people, Pop. Protecting people is my job, which is why I was so frustrated when I couldn't protect you. When I couldn't protect--" Tommy stopped himself.

"When you couldn't protect Jimmy," Poppy finished. Tommy closed his eyes, trying not to cry.

"Hey, come here," Poppy said softly and pulled Tommy to him, gently tucking him under his arm. Tommy rested his head on Poppy's chest, silently listening to the heart that he was so grateful was still beating. "I'm not leaving you any time soon. Just please take care of yourself, too, okay?" Poppy's voice caught a little in his throat.

Tommy nodded against Poppy's chest, breathing in the scent that had become so familiar to him. "Thank you," he said quietly.

Tommy heard a small laugh rumble out of Poppy. "For what?"

Tommy looked up at Poppy. "For being here for me...and for saving my life."

Poppy smiled and leaned down, placing a tender kiss on Tommy's forehead. He tucked Tommy's head under his chin and there they stayed the rest of the night, vowing never to take life for granted again.

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