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Author Note: Sorry this update has been so slow but it's been a crazy couple of months! But FINALLY a new chapter for you! I hope you enjoy!! 🥰

Tommy took in a deep breath and plastered on a fake smile as the elevator door opened to his floor of the police department. He pretended not to see the stares and the averted gazes as he walked briskly toward the police chief's office. 

"Sam?" he knocked quietly on the door before turning the handle. Sammy's arms were around his neck before he was even all the way through the doorway and Tommy returned her embrace. "Are you alright?" 

Sammy took in a shaky breath against Tommy's shoulder. "Thank you for being here, T."

"Of course," Tommy said, pulling away to search Sam's face. "You and Park are my best friends. You saved me these past few months. I'm going to do everything that I can to help find him." 

Sammy stepped away, wiping her eyes and Tommy noticed the other figure sitting on the faded leather couch across the room. 

"Tommy, this is Dr. Poppy Anomakiti, Park's brother." The gentleman stood up to offer his hand to Tommy and Tommy could really see the resemblance. The brothers had very similar facial features, except this brother's face was a little more narrow than Park's. Tommy remembered Park talking about his youngest brother but never had a chance to meet him before now. 

"Nice to meet you," Tommy said, gesturing for them to have a seat on the sofa again. 

"Poppy is also a professor at the University with Park. He specializes in criminology so his expertise will be a great asset to this investigation."

Tommy had to admit, that was surprising to him. The sweater-clad boy didn't look old enough to be a professor, let alone a professor with a doctorate. 

"I never thought I would have to be using my knowledge to help my own family, but here we are," Poppy let out a curt laugh.

Sammy pulled out some papers and photographs from an envelope and laid them on the table  in front of them. The first picture she laid down was of a young boy who couldn't have been much older than high school age. 

"This is Nat Uareksit," Poppy explained. "He is a freshman, one of Park's students, as well as mine. He studies technology with Park with a specialization in forensics with me. He is our top student so he works very closely with both me and Park and he was working on a project with Park last night when they disappeared. Neither of them have been heard from."

"Could this be related to the project they were working on?" Tommy asked.

"Park never told me anything about the project," Sammy said. "He liked to keep that separate." 

"Same for me. I never heard anything about the project from Park or Nat." 

Sammy gathered up all the papers and put them back in the envelope. "The first thing I need you guys to do is go down to Park's office at the university and look around there."

Tommy froze. "Wait...together?" He glanced at the professor, who looked just at surprised has he was. 

"Yes. I want you and Poppy to work together on this investigation."

"Sam, you know I work alo--" Sammy held up her hand to stop Tommy.

"Yes, I know you work alone, Tommy, but this is a different case."

"Sammy, I can't work with anyone else."

"Can't or won't?"

Tommy shot her a pleading look across the small table. "Sammy, please." His anxiety shot through the roof just thinking about working with someone again.

"Tommy. I love you, but it's time you took your head out of your ass. It's been six months, Tommy. Yes, I know you're in pain and I know it's hard. Jimmy was my baby brother, but I need you right now. Park and Nat are living people that are here and need our help. Park is my fiancé. I can't--I can't lose both of them," her voice cracked slightly. 

"I'm not making you do this because I'm your boss. I'm making you do this because Park and Nat are our priority. They come first. You have always been my best detective and Poppy is one of the best criminologists out there and he as an advantage because he already knows Park so well. After we find Park and Nat, I will let you go back to being hermit, but I need you here and now. I've already made my decision."

As much as he hated to admit it, Tommy knew his best friend was right. He had to focus on his job. He had to find Park, because he knew the pain Sammy would be in if he didn't. 

The ride to the university was silent. Tommy knew Poppy must have felt some awkwardness back in Sammy's office but Poppy didn't say anything as he drove them to the university. But Tommy was too stubborn to try and break they ice. He despised small talk. Especially since he was still pissed that Sammy was making him work with a partner.

Poppy cleared his throat.

Here it comes.

"So...Sammy tells me you were an investigator in the military before you became a detective."

"Mmm," Tommy nodded.

"This is my third year teaching at the university. Park is actually the one who recommended me."

Tommy mumbled a short response again.

Fuck. He hated small talk.

And Poppy must have sensed that as he pulled in to a parking spot at the university and turned off the car, letting out a sigh as he turned to Tommy.

"Look. Another thing Sammy told me is that sometimes you can be an ass and that's fine. You don't have to like me. But you do have to do your job. People's lives depend on it. My brother's life depends on it. I'm not asking you to be friends. I'm just asking you to accept my help so we can find Park and Nat. I promise I'll stop the small talk if you promise to stop treating me like I'm the bad guy. We need to work together. Now let's go do our jobs, okay?"

Poppy stepped out of the car and shut the door, leaving Tommy sitting there stunned.

Well, he wasn't afraid to call Tommy out on being an ass. Tommy kind of had to respect that about him. He honestly didnt think Poppy had it in him. Tommy laughed to himself as he opened the car door.

Maybe he would end up liking this professor after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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