Crashing down

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This is the rest of the story that I was posting on my tiktok but I decided to finish writing it on Wattpad enjoy;)  
Jungkook POV
Taehyung had just came over and is upstairs with jimin right now, I was down in the living room hanging out with yugyeom until I heard laughing coming from upstairs it was coming from JIMINS room,I was getting curious about why he was laughing when he was just crying last night. I go up to his room to see him and taehyung giggling, his smile...I felt something in my heart but I shrugged it off because I have yugyeom now.
Author's POV
Was jungkook really out of love with jimin, did he even ever love him? I dont know we'll find out
Taehyung POV
I sat there talking to jimin, yes he was smiling but his eyes were crying.Full of despair, How did things turn out like this, jungkook and jimin were perfectly fine. I cant stand seeing my loved one be in so much pain." about you move in with me and leave him" I really can't stand the fact that jimin is living with such a monster right now,finally jimin spoke up "no tae...I'm not giving up on him,there is no way that every sweet word and every little memory we had together was all just an act by him"
I hope that jimin is right, I've always seen jungkook look at him with such endearing eyes "if he hurts you or you don't feel safe call me and I'll come here as fast as can" he comes in to hug me and I hug him back "thank you tae" I get up from the bed "goodbye, rest well and don't keep yourself locked up here" he smiles at me showing his moon crescent eyes "alright" I leave to go down but I'm met by jungkook standing at the door glaring at me, "get out of my way" I say not looking at him, I seriously cannot stand him right now. "Nice try" he says before patting my shoulder" I smack his hand way, what was he talking about?. I go off to work but I'm still worried about jimin. I'm doing some paperwork for our new client but I accidentally spilled coffee all over the paper "great, just great kim WAY TO GO!" I scream in my head in a sarcastic tone. I had gotten new paperwork and I'm on my way to take it to my boss's office until I see min yoongi in front of me, I trip on THIN air and drop all the papers "woooahhh there idiot" he says not even looking at me "what's your problem..." I murmur under my breath.The elevator opens but he doesn't go in, to my surprise he kneels down and starts picking up the papers with me "thank you" I said with smiling eyes "mhm"
Yoongi replied with a unamused expression
Im still in my room sitting on my bed the window was open, cold soft breeze blowing on my face.My eyes feel so heavy yet I can't get myself to sleep,there's this sharp pain in my heart.Like a knife going through it over and over again, I can't get myself to cry anymore my eyes are all dried out. How did it come to this,my whole world crashed down in one day. Years of memories meant nothing to him!?! I doubt it but I'm still scare that he might actually be telling the truth about never being in love with me...My head hurts. Weakly I get up and walk to my bathroom, I spot a razor in the cabinet I smirk and grab it. locking the door I trace my arm with the razor before dragging it on the back of my arm hissing at the stinging pain my eyes start to tear up. I made a couple of cuts on my right arm here and there not feeling any least not anymore, all I can think of is the nights me and jungkook cuddled, our sweet dates and all the times he said the words I love you to me.After coming to my senses I go in the shower to rinse out all the blood. Suddenly I hear a knock

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