Life's amazing surprise

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Jimin's POV

   I quickly throw the razor back in place and pull my sleeves on my arm then I opened the door to be met by yugyeom.He looked worried when he asked "are you okay?" I was hurt when I saw him why was he asking if I'm okay he literally got with the love of my life...thoughts were overflowing my head but I Quickly answered a yes and walked back to my room.My heart hurts but I have no more tears to spill they all dried up on my face and I feel so numb so I just laid my head on the pillow curving up into a ball and pulling up my blanket while wishing this was all a nasty nightmare I fall asleep.
  Next Morning 8:15 AM Author POV

For some people it was a beautiful morning and they woke up and started their day so happily while being positive but on the other hand some people wished they didn't live because they thought:" why does this world need me " "why I'm I alive when I keep getting hurt by everyone and everything while nothing good happens to me and no luck comes my way what so ever". Well it's because they were surrounded by negative energy and no it's not from other people but it's from themselves because they only look at the bad things and have no patience for life's big surprising and one of those people was Park Jimin
Mrs shimin watched the ballerina as she was dancing flawlessly on that stage with a smile on her face enjoying what she has created to be a beautiful talented elegant lady. The ballerina Seuin was finished with her dance and everybody stood up clapping for her while some of the judges had a smile and another was no so amused, Mrs Shimin went backstage to assure Seuin that she did great and to calm her anxiety down however Seuin did remind Mrs Shimin of a specific someone that she used to teach back when she was first a ballet and contemporary teacher.Seuin reminds her of jimin which was her first student ever, he danced ever so flawlessly every time he got up on a stage either it was to train, to relieve stress, hide sadness, or to wow people he always did amazing and never failed to put his teacher to a shock.

Mrs Shimin POV

I looked at Seumin with awe as she reminds me of my great past student Park Jimin, memories came flooding back of how good he was and how well he has grown and without realizing it I almost teared up but it was disturbed by the sound of the judge calling my next student to go. "This is Ko Sihyo #489 performing lovely" I smile at Sihyo and pat him on the shoulder before he goes on the stage however I wonder how jimin is doing now I haven't spoke to him in a minute I'm planning on reaching out to him to see how he's doing now I think so much has changed and he's probably even married to that cute boyfriend of his who used to come and watch him rehearse everyday with such heart eyes!! Jungkook was it? AH yes! He's a CEO where my son yugyeom works I heard he was friends with him

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