❥weakness [yandere! s. ukyo]

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Yandere! Ukyo
This was set before the Tsukasa Empire was defeated.

Ukyo stands in front of Hyoga, his face showing his nervousness and small beads of sweats could be seen trickling down his face.

"Why did you call me out here?"
Ukyo asks, trying to keep his voice as calm as possible. He didn't want to let Hyoga knew he's anxious that they are meeting alone and a bit farther than their headquarters. If, in the worst case scenario, he was attacked, it'd be hard to escape. Although he don't find any reason why Hyoga would attack him now.

"...Nothing much."
Hyoga replies curtly and as soon as he did, Ukyo's ears caught a series of footsteps heading towards them.

The footsteps he knows all too well.

Even though his ears could catch on sounds from a pretty far distance, he knows that her way of walking has always been so insanely fast. So although he knew beforehand that she's coming, he still couldn't take any action before she reached their place.

"Hey, Hyoga-san....why did you call me out here?"
Y/N finally reaches their place, her face showing pure confusion as she saw Ukyo and Hyoga facing each other.

Ukyo mumbles her name, his face turns pale all of the sudden. He doesn't seem to be getting any good vibes from this situation. Out of all people, Hyoga called out Y/N, Ukyo's no. 1 weakness, his girlfriend, here at this quiet place. It seems like Hyoga planned it so that she came right when Ukyo and Hyoga's facing each other.

Hyoga ignores Y/N's presence and continue facing Ukyo.

"I'd like for you to join force with me to end Tsukasa's life."

Ukyo and Y/N went dead silent at that one sentence. For the first time ever, Ukyo couldn't believe his own ears. Y/N's legs started trembling at Hyoga's sudden proposal. Did those words just came out of him? Even though Tsukasa trusted him, he wishes to kill him?

Ukyo was quick to regain his composure. He then looks straight at Hyoga's face.

"And if I don't want to?"

Hyoga stays silent at Ukyo's reply. He then takes off his mask and in a blink of an eye, grabs Y/N's arm and pull her face closer to him.

Y/N could barely understand the situation that flashes right before her eyes and her reflexes are too slow compared to Hyoga for her to even turn her face or push Hyoga away. But she does understand one thing. The sight of Hyoga's face nearing hers makes her eyes widen in horror. Just the thought of other people aside Ukyo having their lips on hers is just... unbearable.

Just as their lips about to touch, Y/N was snatched away from Hyoga's grip and a knife was pointed at his throat.

"Well, well...so even the peace-loving Ukyo can point a knife at someone's throat when his Y/N is about to fall on other's hands, huh?"

Ukyo hold Y/N tightly with one hand and his other hand kept the knife close to Hyoga's throat. His face isn't showing his usual calm exterior. Instead, he was like a completely different person. His face turns gloomy and his eyes are looking at Hyoga dangerously.

"I thought you knew that you can't object an offer from me. Oh well, now the deal has been made. There's no going back."
Hyoga calmly said as he pulls up his mask back and walks away, leaving the two of them alone.

Y/N is still clinging to Ukyo tightly, her whole body trembling. Ukyo who finally regains back his composure, try to reassure Y/N by embracing her small body. It's almost as if he's doing it to reassure himself. As if she could disappear at any moment and he's clinging to her so desperately.

"Ukyo....I'm okay now."
Y/N softly whispers at him. Ukyo reluctantly lets her go, and as soon as he did, her lips met his and they both melt into a sweet, loving kiss.

"I could barely understand what happened just now...Are you going to be okay, Ukyo?"
While they walk back to the headquarters, holding hands, Y/N asks a question that's been on her mind since just now.

"....I'll be fine. Completely fine. So don't worry. What you should be worrying about is yourself. His target is you if he found anything suspicious at me. And that's the only thing I don't want to happen."
Ukyo strokes Y/N's head reassuringly and give a peck on her forehead.

"I really was afraid just now, you know? I wouldn't have known what to do if he had kissed me."
As soon as she mentions that, Ukyo's face turns gloomier and his glares turns so scary it could kill a newborn fawn.

"If that's the case, I'll just kiss you two, no, three times than he did."
Y/N's ears turn red at his exclamation and she just smiles lovingly at him.

"I would love that."

"For tonight, Y/N, sleep with me. I don't want Hyoga to attack you while you're alone. Stay by my side."
Ukyo turns to her and said this seriously. Y/N quietly nod at him and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Even if you don't ask for it, I'll always stay by your side forever and ever."

Ukyo's heart warms up at her loving confession and squeezes her hand.

"It's okay..." He thought to himself. "Tomorrow's gonna be the day this empire meets its downfall. Senku's plan gonna work. Until then, I will protect Y/N even if I have to dirty my own hand. I may be a coward, but for her, I will..."

"Ukyo? What's wrong?"
Y/N peers at Ukyo who was silent for a moment, worried of his sudden silence. He also seems to be glaring...which she just shrugs it off as her imagination.

Ukyo snaps out of his train of thoughts and stare a while at Y/N's face before softening his expression and genuinely smile at her.

"It's nothing. I was just thinking of how much I love you ."
He says that so smoothly, making Y/N blush a bit.

"That's right... I love you so much, I'm willing to change myself."
Ukyo thought that as his smile turns into a cold one.

The End


I really love yanderes so to write a fanfiction of my fav chara being a yandere is 👌👌👌👌👍👍👍👍 sksksksksk

What's more since Ukyo's a peace-lover and doesn't like hurting anyone, it makes it more exciting and fun to write him as yandere hehehe 😳😳😳

But this is just the tip of the iceberg of a yandere. There are much deeper and darker stuff yandere can do (if you don't know). I just haven't shown it yet. I'm gonna do it soon I think kukukukuku *laughing like a psycho*

Ne ways, thanks for reading! Votes and comments are much appreciated :3

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