Chapter Six

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So sorry I haven't been updating lately!! haven't had my phone or computer access in a while and when I have....Have been having world war three with wrighters block.

I'll try my best to update more often now thaI got a table t!!

Comment and continue to let me know what you, I love reang all your comments!!


Four hours away from our little village in Northern Minnesota, Trent's stomach decided we couldn't going on
"Nads...we have to stop my stomach is eating my insides." Trent said, in a voice similar to a four year old girls.
"Ohmygod! Give me thirty minutes ya big baby. There's a little diner a few miles from here that tastes like god himself is the chef."
"Promise?" He whined.
"I swear up and down."
"Ughhh, okay. But if I'm not sitting in a little diner eating god's food in thirty minutes, I may have to eat your clothes."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. Which caused him to smile,that big goofy grin of his that made the butterfly's in my stomach catch on fire and start to do summersaults.


Twenty minutes later were sitting in a red booth in a little diner eating God's food.
"Ohhmyyygods.........thank you for making me wait." Trent moaned.

I giggled with my mouth full of a grilled cheese sandwich, "Toldya, next time believe me from the start."
"Ha! I'll try." He laughed, taking another bite of his burger.
"So, we have about three and a half hours left in the car we'll have to start walking to get to Kovu's castle. The walk is about two and a half miles, so we'll stop at a farmer's market to get some food to take with us."
Six miles??" He whined.
"Yep, don't worry it really doesn't seem that long."
"Sureee, whatever you say." He smirked, rolling those gorgeous golden eyes of his.
I glanced down, blushing as I trembled setting the butterflies on fire again.
Oh my god he's perfect!! My wolf whined.
Iknow.... I answered back.

You better change him quick, someone may try and take him. She said with a sharp growl, causing me to notice three girls staring at him, giggling.
Mine. She growled again.
Hush. I ordered her. They aren't goingto touch him, he loves us. Not them. Us.

"Nads? Hello??" Trent said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Huh? What? Yeah. Hi..." I stuttered.

"You okay?" He asked looking generally worried.

"Yeah,no, I'm totally fine, just thinking..."

"About?" He asked.

"Well we just notice those girls over there, the cheerleader looking girls staring at you, and started thinking about the fact that if it weren't for the makers then I wouldn't have such a perfect mate."

"We?" He asked. "Makers? I'm confused how much am I going to have to learn?"

"We. There are two halves of a werewolf. The human half and your wolf. When you're human you can communicate with your wolf."

"So you were talking to your wolf?" He asked.

"Yes. They notice more that your human half. Stronger senses and all."

"Ahh okay, and the makers?"

"Mambers of the werewolf rulers, that choose everyone's mates. They decide who's perfect for who."

"Ohh...cheerleaders?" He asked, turning his head to look at the three girls causing them to smile and wave at him. "Ew. Cheerleaders. Blah." He said still looking at them, then he looked at me, "oh Nadia, werewolf, pretty." He smiled. "Late get out of here, before your wolf decides to rip their ugly little heads off." He said standing up and reaching for my hand.

I took int, twisting my fingers around his an we started for the door, calming my wolf down, and leaving the cheerleaders questioning just how pretty they really are."


"V, my name is Victor, my wife's name is Victoria, we live in Vermont, and we sell......Vodka!!" Trent laughed.

We'd been playing the alphabet name game for about two hours after we left the diner.

"W, my name is Wilma, my husbands name is William, we live in Wyoming, and we sell watermelon."

"Ohh maybe Victoria and myself will come and visit you to make watermelon flavored vodka." He laughed again.

"Yeah maybe. Since our watermelons are the best darn watermelons around!!" I laughed.

"You bet!!!" He smiled, laughing again, causing me to giggle. Then he was stareing at me,

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because, you're beautiful."

"You've read that book haven't you?"

"What?" He said placing a hand on his chest looking offended. "Moi? Use a pick up line from a girls book?"

"I don't think it's really a girls book, anyone can read it. But yes, I do think you've read it and are using his pickup line."

"Okay, yes I did read The Fault In Our Stars, but no I'm not using his pick up line."

"You are definitely perfect." I laughed.

"I've been trying to tell you, I'm pretty awesome." He said, winning at me. "Maybe you should let me drive?" He said, when I started to yawn.

"Yeah, maybe.." I said pulling over so we could switch seats.

"It's all programmed into the GPS" I said opening the door and stretching my legs.

"Okay, you just take a little nap and I'll wake you if there is any problems."

I climbed into the passengers seat, leaned it all the way back, and was a sleep before it was completely down.


Okay, well that wasn't has hard as I thought, I'm pretty sure the first half istill in bold because this stupid think didn't take itself off bold. Grrr.....
Anyways sorry it'sshort, thenextshould belonger.

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